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Any meat cooked rare poses a threat to you, especially chicken and pork.

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Q: What is healthier red meat cooked well done or cooked rare?
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What is the rare meat?

Meat which is cooked 'rare' is meat which is only just cooked and is still red inside.

Explain how to take the internal temperature of meat and why is this is important?

Stick a meat thermometer in the centre of the meat. Temperature is an indication of how well the meat is cooked - i.e rare, medium rare, well done...

How long do you cook marinated beef rib rack in the oven?

for appoximatly 2 hrs depending on how well you want your beef cooked. Both the weight of the meat and cooking temperature will affect how well the meat is cooked. How you like your beef rare, medium rare, medium, medium well done and well done will be up to individual taste. Cook meat slightly longer to ensure it's well dine (but not burnt). Reverse cooking time for meat to be rarer. Tip: if you are cooling a roast and you have guests that like their meat cooked to either rare or well done or in between. Cook the meat to nearly cooked, this way, the meat at the outsides of a joint will be well done and as you cut to the centre of the joint, the slices will become less cooked (rare).

What is a medium rare hamburger?

It depends on what type of meat the burger is. If the meat meat is one with holes in it (like ground beef), it must be well done. Unlike steak, meat with holes in them must be cooked well done to kill all the bacterial in them.

Can children eat rare cooked beef?

Yes, children can eat rare cooked meat.

What is very lightly cooked meat called?

Blue is the lightest amount of cooking then rare

How do monkeys like their meat cooked?

Medium rare.

What does the term 'well done' refer to?

Generally speaking, the term "well done" refers to the degree to which a piece of meat is cooked prior to consumption -- most often referenced when grilling beef steaks. Although there are some variation in the scale: "rare" "medium rare" "medium" "medium well" and "well done" - the choice generally refers to the level of red to pink retained in the internal meat. A steak that is "well done" is thoroughly cooked through so that no pink remains.

What is opposite of rare?

Antonyms for rare are common, unexceptional, frequent or (cooked) well done.

Understanding Meat Temperatures?

Have you ever been out at a restaurant eating and ordered a dish that requires you to tell your server how done you wanted your meat? Were you unsure of how to answer the question when first asked? Not everyone knows that you’re able to eat meat cooked at various temperatures, but knowing what’s safe to eat and what puts you at risk can be extremely important.TemperatureBefore you attempt to go out and order the rare or medium rare steak, you should first understand what you’re getting yourself into. The temperature at which your meat is cooked will determine a lot of things. It determines the color, and how juicy and tender your meat will be. There are several levels that you can have your meat prepared at. The levels are rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well done and overcooked.Identifying Meat LevelsMeat prepared at the rare level will appear to be cold with a red center and soft. At the medium rare level meat will have a warm and red center and be a bit more firm. To identify your meat as being medium it will be pink and firm, with a decent warm temperature. When medium well meat will appear to have only a small amount of pink coloring left in the middle. Meat that is prepared to be well done will be gray or brown and firm. The internal temperature of the meat will cause it to be a bit more dry than the other levels before it. Overcooked meats will be black throughout and prepared to a crisp.FDA RegulationsIt is important to know that the FDA has certain regulations towards meat preparation. It is mandated that meat be cooked to safe internal temperatures, and also that a clean food thermometer is used that goes straight into the meat but does not go through to the pan. The FDA also requires that beef, veal, lamb roasts and steak be cooked to 145 degrees fahrenheit. They require that pork products and ground meats be cooked to 160 degrees fahrenheit. Be aware of these guidelines and the health complications that can come from eating hardly cooked meat.

Can you file a lawsuit for under cooked meat from a fast food restaurant?

You could, although it would frivolous. You would probably waste a lot of time and money. Rare meat is much better for you than well done anyway. Just eat it.

Why is hamburger meat red?

Because hamburgers are made with beef which is a red meat. Once cooked well done the meat becomes brown. If the meat is still red then it hasn't been cooked to well done. A lot of people prefer it medium rare which would leave the meat partially red. The more the meat is cooked the darker it becomes and the more flavor it loses.