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Bjarne Stroustrup found that OOP languages like Simula and BCPL incorporated features that enabled large and complex software to be developed much more easily than with the more traditional procedural languages, such as C, where the separation of data and the methods that operated upon that data were a hindrance, making code difficult to both write and maintain. However, Simula was too slow to be practical while BCPL was fast but too low-level.

C was the most popular language of the day as it was capable of producing compact and efficient machine code for a wide-variety of hardware, thus he decided to base his new language on C which he began to develop in 1979. As well as Simula, he borrowed ideas from other languages including ALGOL 68, Ada, CLU and ML, and removed some of C's idiosyncrasies such as the unnecessary use of typedef when declaring a struct. Initially, the new language provided classes and derived classes, strong typing, inlining and default arguments. Since it was largely based on C he called his new language 'C with Classes'.

However, the key ingredient was the compiler, which he dubbed Cpre. Coming up with a new language (even one based upon an existing language) is one thing but if it cannot be interpreted or compiled into machine code then it is ultimately useless. However, Cpre wasn't so much a compiler as a translator. All it really did was convert his new language into C source code which could then be compiled using any C compiler.

In 1983, 'C with Classes' had been renamed C++ (pronounced see-plus-plus). In C, the ++ operator is the increment operator, thus C++ literally means the successor to C (ignoring the fact that C++ is the postfix increment operator which evaluates to C, not C+1). By this time, Stroustrup had incorporated new features including virtual functions, function and operator overloads, references, constants and single-line comments, as well as developing an actual compiler which he called Cfront.

In 1985, the first edition of The C++ Programming Language was published (written by Stroustrup himself), followed by the first commercial release of C++. This was followed by release 2.0 in 1989, which now incorporated multiple inheritance, abstract classes, static member functions, const member functions and protected members. In 1990, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual was published (also written by Stroustrup), followed by publication of his second edition of The C++ Programming Language in 1991, by which time C++ now incorporated templates, exceptions, namespaces, new casts and the Boolean type.

At this point the C++ standard library began to evolve, beginning with the stream I/O library and eventually the standard template library. In 1998, C++ was officially standardised under the informal name C++98 (ISO/IEC 14882:1998). Much of that standard was based upon Stroustrup's earlier work, The Annotated C+ Reference Manual. Since then, C++ has been continually revised and updated in line with the C++ standards committee, which Stroustrup still chairs to this day. The current standard is C++11 which, amongst other things, includes the introduction of a move constructor to complement the existing copy constructor. The next major revision is expected in 2017, informally known as C++17.

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15y ago

In 1972, the c language was developed by Dennish Ritchi. Thankyou PARUL JAIN BCA[India].

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11y ago

clanguage is first developed inat&t's lab it was developed by dennis ritched

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origin of c language

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read a book and figure it out !

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