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Isehemia is the medical term meaning holding back blood from tissue. Ischemia prevents tissue from getting enough oxygen.

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Q: What is holding back blood from tissue called?
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What tissue is in tissue fluid?

The name for fluid build up in the kidneys is called edema. The lymphatic system is not returning excess fluid back to the blood as it should.

What flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backwards?

Venous valves .

What is the tissue that prevents blood from flowing back words?

the valves

What is somatic circulation?

Pathway of blood to tissue capillies and back to heart.

Which forces affect the exchange of substances between blood and tissue fluid?

At the proximal end of capillary, you get the fluid out in the tissue fluid due to blood pressure. At the distal end of the capillary, you get back the tissue fluid due to oncotic pressure of the blood proteins.

What tissue is found in a blood vessel?

blood cells

Why do you need capillaries?

Arteries carry blood to the tissues, and veins carry blood back to the heart. In betweenare tiny blood vessels so small that red blood cells can pass through single file, allowingthe oxygen to diffuse into the surrounding tissue. These are called capillaries.

The blood vessels that carry blood back from the heart are called?

Veins carry blood back to the heart.

The tonicity of the tissue surrounding the loop of Henle is vital to the maintenance of blood volume because it?

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What happen to human body system if the lymphatic system fail to return the water and protein from various tissue back to the blood stream?

A condition called lymphedema, which is characterized by pronounced swelling.

What kind of muscle tissue would you find in the blood vessels?

Arteries have smooth muscle in their walls. The smaller the artery is, the less muscle is found. Veins have none, they count on the skeltal muscles to move blood back to the heart. The veins also have valves which prevent back flow.