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Q: What is homologous series of organic compounds?
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What are the main homologous series for organic compounds?

All the families of organic compounds exist as a homologous series (A series having a difference of 'CH2' unit between two consecutive members) the main homologous series-es are Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and Carboxylic acids (Fatty acids).

Why do these substance all belong to the same homologous series?

Chemical compounds (organic) placed in a homologous series have a general chemical formula. The common example is alkenes.

What Homologous series?

A homologous series is a family of organic compounds that: *have the same general formula. *have similar chemical properties and *show a gradual increase in physical properties such as melting and boiling point.

What is series?

Homologous series, in chemistry can be defined as a series of organic compounds with a similar general formula, possessing similar chemical properties due to the presence of the same functional group, and shows a gradation in physical properties as a result of increase in molecular size and mass

Why is sugar cosidered an organic compound?

Because it contains carbon. In fact, glucose is an aldehyde (which is a homologous series in organic chemistry)

What refers to the series of chemical reactions that builds organic compounds?


Compound made of carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

== Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are the basic building blocks of many organic compounds. They are commonly known as carbohydrates (carbon, hydrogen and oxate [from oxygen compounds, such as chlorate (ClO3-) or potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)] In organic chemistry, homologous series which are carbohydrates consist of, but are not limited to: * Aldehydes * Ketones * Carboxylic acids * Alcohols

What is polar organic compound?

organic compounds are basically composed of carbon atoms.polar organic compounds are those compounds in which the organic compounds have the properties of polar compounds.

Are organic compounds made of sugars or starches.?

Sugars and starches are organic compounds. But not all organic compounds are sugars and starches .

What is the name of compounds that contains carbon?

They are termed organic compounds. Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons and they are a subset of organic compounds.

Difference between organic reaction and organic synthesis?

a organic reaction is any reaction particular to organic compounds organic synthesis is a reaction or series of reactions used to produce a particular compound

What Discribes organic compounds?

Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon.