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Q: What is honey in different languages?
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How do honey bees get honey?

Honey bees get honey by sucking nectar out of plants. In the hive, this nectar is converted to honey. Different bees make different honey, so as you can imagine, there are a lot of different kinds of honey.

Is the dvd documentary more than honey in english?

Honey is on DVD in more languages then English. This is a well known movie.

How do you say honey in different languages?

Azerbaijani = bal Catalán = mel Czech = med French = miel Hebrew = dvahsh (דבש) Ladino = miel Spanish = miel

Success in different languages?

French: succès Spanish: éxito German: Erfolg Italian: successo

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Spanish: Mallory French: Mallory German: Mallory Italian: Mallory Russian: Маллори (Mallori)

Why do different countries speak different languages?

Languages have evolved differently across regions due to factors such as historical isolation, cultural influences, and migrations. Over time, these unique circumstances have led to the development of distinct languages in different parts of the world. Additionally, political boundaries and colonization have also played a role in shaping the linguistic diversity we see today.

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Why does the taste of honey vary?

The taste of honey varies because of the different flavors of different flowers.

Who made programming languages?

Different languages were created by different people, obviously.

What are the problems of communication in different languages?

There are many problems of communication in different languages. Interpretations, inflection and meaning of words can be lost in communication of different languages.