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Hoof and Mouth, also called Foot and Mouth Disease (or FMD for short) is a highly contagious disease that can be spread to any and all cloven animals that come into contact with the pathogens for FMD. FMD is characterized by blisters or lesions that are found on and in the mouth, feet, and genitalia. Such lesions make it very painful for the animal to move around or eat anything. FMD is mostly spread by contact with other animals from unwashed or undisinfected tools, clothing or vehicles, but can also be spread through the air.

The disease itself is not fatal, nor is it any concern to human health, but it is a serious concern as far as livestock productivity is concerned. Animals that get FMD decrease in productivity as far as meat and milk is concerned because of these painful blisters on their feet and in their mouths, and the only way to get rid of the disease is by strict quarantine and humane slaughter of not only animals that have FMD, but also those that are carriers or have a high risk of contracting the disease.

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Q: What is hoof and mouth disease?
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Can humans get thrush?

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How do you get foot and mouth?

Foot and mouth, or hoof and mouth, disease is caused by a picornavirus. Cloven-footed animals catch and carry this disease - also, oddly enough, hedgehogs and elephants!

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Hoof and mouth disease

Why is foot and mouth called foot and mouth?

It is more properly called "Hoof and mouth" disease, from the places where farmers would first notice the symptoms in their cattle.

Why don't horses contract hoof and mouth disease and how are you positive they don't?

Only animals with cloven hooves can contract foot and mouth disease. Horses do not have cloven hooves so therefore they cannot contract the disease

What host does hoof and mouth disease affect?

animals with cloven hooves (cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and deer)

What will happen if a cow has blisters on its tongue?

Blisters on the tongue usually indicate that the animal has been eating toxic vegetation or that the animal has hoof and mouth disease. Your veterinarian can provide a prognosis in either case. Hoof and mouth disease is contagious so, you need to act on that out quickly so you can possibly save your herd.

What is a disease on a hoof of a horse?

white line disease

Can foot and mouth disease spread to humans?

No. According to the CDC: "Hand, foot, and mouth disease is often confused with foot-and-mouth disease (also called hoof-and-mouth disease), a disease of cattle, sheep, and swine. However, the two diseases are caused by different viruses and are not related."

Founder is another name for what horse disease?

Another name for founder is Laminitis, separation of the hoof wall from the softer structures of the hoof. Laminitis, a painful and sometimes fatal disease of the hoof.

What is laminytis in horses?

laminitus is a hoof disease where there is a separation of the laminade in the horses hoof. it can be caused by stress or a high sugar content and/or being too fat. it can be fatal in sevre cases.

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