

What is identifier variable?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What is identifier variable?
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Is variable is also called as identifier?

No, the name of the variable is its identifier.

What is the difference between identifiers and variables in C lang?

a variable having the datattype and name, an identifier is the name of the variable for example int x; here int x; is the variable x is the identifier

What is the similarity between an identifier and a variable?

Answer:- identifier is the name like a, b, c, .... which is used to reference a memory location in a program. +-variable is the actual memory location which can hold 'a' is an identifier to a variable which is memory location located somewhere in memory.Answer:A Variable in Java is something that holds a particular value in a class. For example:public class A { private String name = ""; ......} In the above declaration name is a variable. It would hold the data of type String.An Identifier is nothing but the name that we give for our variables, classes, methods etc. It is nothing but the name with which we identify an entity in Java. For example here A is the identifier for the class, name is the identifier for the variable etc.

Is it is true that the identifier and a variable in C programming language are same?

No. Identifier is a scientific name for the name.Variables, functions, types, etc -- each have an identifier.

Can identifier be any sequence of digits and letters?

If you mean a variable name, then no -- it must begin with a letter or an underscore, but any combination of letters, digits and underscores may follow. If you mean a variable that stores an identifier, then yes -- so long as the identifier is a string type.

What happens if a final keyword is applied to identifier?

The final keyword indicates that a variable (identifier) can not change his value. In case the variable refers to a reference variable (an object) the values of variables inside (the object) can change but the reference can be reassigned (to another object).

What is meant by static identifier?

Nothing. I guess you mean a static variable.

What does the scope of an identifier refer to?

It refers to a place in your code where names or variable have meaning.

How does the language support variable names Are variable names case sensitive?

> How does the language support variable names? You can use any identifier to name a variable. > Are variable names case sensitive? Yes, in some languages, they are.

What is an identify?

An identifier is nothing but a data type. It may variable, content, structure or a pointer.

What is the difference between variable and identifier?

An identifier is simply the name of something, while a variable is an instance of something.For example:int x;Here, the identifier is "x," but the variable is the object whose name is "x." A: An identifier is a name of something. Typically used in computer programming, the term "identifier" is frequently used to name a variable (see below), a subroutine, are in reality, any place in memory in which data or code reside where a name would be useful. "MyBirthDate" might be a good identifier, pointing to a memory location where the data contianing your date of birth is stored. The term variable comes to us from mathematics, but is frequently used in computer science too. It refers to a value that varies. For instance: a + b = 5 In this case, the value of a and b can change, so long as the sum of a and b equal 5. The opposite of the term variable is constant. In the equation, E=Mc2, c is a constant that is equal to the speed of light in a vacu -- +- 186,000 miles per second. In computer science, the term "variable" is used synonymously with "identifier" when they are both used to point to memory that contains data that may be changed and will not always be the same. In Microsoft BASIC, the statement: Tomorrow = Today + 1 Today and Tomorrow are variables, and 1 is a constant.

What is variable communication?

Variable communication is a way of getting a similar message out to many people while customizing parts of the message based on the recipient. By creating a table of users and assigning some sort of identifier to those users you can then include a variable in a message, that dictates the information included based on each person's identifier.