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We have one of the greatest rights any free people can have : THE RIGHT TO should vote because your vote holds strong voice!!

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Q: What is importance of casting vote?
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What is casting of vote?

Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.

What is casting vote?

Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.

Who can use casting vote in case of a tie?

The congress or the legislative body of the government can use casting vote in case of a tie.

What is it called when you are not casting a vote?

To abstain.

What the citizen should keep in mind while casting their vote?


Casting your vote in a private booth is an example of?

a secret ballot.

The right to vote is refferred to as?

The right to vote is known as enfranchisement.Another definition: Suffrage is the right or privilege of casting a vote at a public election.

When everyone casts a vote it is said to be what?

the act of casting a vote is an election. Elections are used in democraciesUniversal suffrage.

Which outcome could be considered a cost of voting?

The outcome of casting a vote is going to the poll. Then standing there to vote.

Whose vote can break a tied vote in the House of Commons?

The speaker does not normally vote in divisions. If there is a tied vote, the speaker has a casting vote. By convention, this is cast to support the status quo.

Why was Susan B. Anthony put on trial for?

casting an illegal vote.

Susan B. Anthony was put on trial for?

Casting an illegal vote. (: