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Q: What is in Country Lane 11 percent Sweet Horse Feed?
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Sweet feed, sweet feed, sweet feed

What is the difference between 10 percent and 12 percent horse feed?

They are the percentage of protein in the horse feed.

Why do horse flies feed on blood?

because it tastes sweet for dem they are vampires

What is sweet feed?

Feed dealers combined oats,corn, and barley, threw in salt and other minerals, bound the mixture together with molasses, and called the resulting product "sweet feed." thats sweet feed, and now it provides your horse with supplements, ex.

Can horses eat sweet feed?

There is no one amount that all horses should eat. A horse only needs sweet feed if it needs more energy to complete it's daily job. A horse should eat between 1.5% and 3% of it's own bodyweight daily and the vast majority of that should be forage such as hay or grass.

What eats a quarter horse?

A quarter horse eats what every other horse does, it eats hay, grain, sweet feed, grass, apples, sugar cubes, carrots, etc.

What is the difference between sweet feed and pellets in horse food?

sweet feed has molasses added to make it sweet tasting, but it is generally unhealthy for most horses and ponies. It can lead to all sorts of medical problems down the road. An unsweetened feed like many types of pellets are a better option.

Why does my horse have diarrhea I changed their feed from sweet feed to dry feed Is this normal?

should be fine. horse's digestive tracts dont always adjust to new food well quickly... most animals don't. i would give it a week and see how they're doing. also... were hey weaned off the sweet feed or did you switch cold turkey? switching suddenly can also be worse for them

When should you feed a horse?

Horses typically get a grain or sweet feed of some sort about twice a day. They should have 1-2 flakes of hay two to three times a day as all dependeds on the horse and the owner.

What is a horses prey?

Horses are not carnivores. Therefore, they don't have prey. But a horse eats oats, hay, sweet feed, carrots, apples, horse treats, a little bit of pasture grass and many more types of horse feed.

What are facts about the American quarter horse?

they like sweet feed alfalfa and need their hooves done by a farrier every 6 weeks

What are characteristics of good horse feed?

I give my horse Silky 'Horseman's Edge'. It's a 50 pound pellet food bag with 10% fat in it, but there's a 12% too, not to mention there's some amazing good quality 'Horseman's Edge Sweet feed'.I found this to be the best horse feed there is, and Silky just loves it! It's probably the healthiest horse feed I found so far. It keeps you horse healthy,gives them energy and keeps them strong.