

What is in budgie seed mix?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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Q: What is in budgie seed mix?
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Can a budgie eat catfish?

No. They are seed eaters, can have some greens or fruit.

Can you mix grass seed with fertilizer?

I do it all the time. You can actually buy fertilizer, grass seed and mulch mix all in one bag.

I feed my budgie on a mostly seed diet so Why is my budgie doing watery yellow droppings?

the yellow= food diet colour. watery= lack of variety and/or ill Your bird needs to see an avian veterinarian, this indicates illness.

Is Trill the best food for a budgie?

The Trill brand budgie food is recommended on many comparison websites and by many vets. They advise that you treat your bird to some fruit now and again and mix a vitamin supplement in the water. However it is hard to tell if they are the best budgie food but all the information points towards it being a very good choice of budgie food.

Why does your budgie dig in the food bowls?

For 2 reasons I have observed. 1: Searching for a particular seed they like. 2: In hens it can be a nesting behavior.

Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?

The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

What type of bird seed do lovebirds like?

They love millet spray and my lovebirds really like safflower seeds. I mix safflower seeds with a parrot seed mix.

What are some main causes of a budgie death?

starvation is common so ensure that there is food at all times as a budgie can starve in as little as two days ensure that there are no seed husks that the budie will leave behind from the seed. thease will blow off. if the husks are not cleared then the budgie will not search underneath and assume there is nothing to eat and starve

What can you feed your budgie?

Bird seed you can get big or small bags from your local pet store. Also if you want to you can ask them what specific type will be the best for your little friend :)

What is a fast effective method for finger training a budgie?

Try to avoid leaving food in the cage. Instead, hold the seed trough in your hand, they need there food! Best done from extremely young age. Let me know how it goes! My unanswered question is 'how fast can a budgie fly?'.

How do you say budgie in German?

budgie = Wellensittich

Can a budgie be albino?

yes a budgie can be albino. you can also get a lutino budgie which is yellow with red eyes