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Poision ivy has an oil on its leaves that when they come in contact with our skin, it makes a chemical burn or rash. Poision oak has a pollen that when magnified, looks like a porcupine and when it makes contact with our skin, the skin will expand around the pollen and make a small liquid filled environment to contain the pollen. Both of these are the plants natural defenses. The poison oak is more contageous if it has little clusters of white berries on it. Also because G-D said so! it should also get bubbly and gross. the bubbles might look like Pizza. speaking of pizza i love pizza. I wonder if poison ivy like pizza.

This is completely wrong. First of all it is POISON ivy not poision. Poison Ivy and oak both contain urishiol oil that binds to the proteins on the keratin layer of our skin. While the oil is completely harmless; our immune systems become confused resulting in 90% of humans responding with an allergic reaction. Patrolling T cells recognize it as an allergen and release lymph fluid over the affected skin cells in an attempt to rid the skin of the oil. In the process many skin cells are killed, affecting nerve cells and causing us to itch in response. It is not a defense mechanism (how would a delayed allergic reaction - sometimes 3 to 5 days after initial contact - in any way defend the plant?), and actually the only part of poison ivy that doesn't contain the oil, is the pollen.

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12y ago
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11y ago

You mean scratch your itchy poison ivy? No You could lightly rub it or put something cold on it. Use some anti itch cream or special poison cream. If you do need to scratch it it could spread. Make sure you wash your hands afterwords. If you scratch and get the puss juice stuff on your hands then scratch somewhere else it could spread.

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10y ago

Inside Poison Ivy there is oils and the body reacts tho them oils.

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Q: Why does poison ivy or oak itch?
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Maybe poison ivy. if spaced very close together. If spaced 1\4 inch apart in sets of 2,3,4 or even 5 . . . .BED Bugs. they will itch but won't spread whereas poison ivy or oak spread where ever you itch.

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Poison ivy and poison oak are plants that cause an allergic skin reaction in most people who are exposed to them.

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I was prescribed triamcinolone acetonide for my poison ivy, so I'm guessing the consensus in the medical field is that it does work. I am very allergic to poison ivy, and after 6 days, the rash has diminished but not disappeared. The intensity of the redness has lessened 4-5 shades, and it does not itch near as often, nor as badly. In my opinion, and apparently in my doctors opinion, it does work. It is a topical steriod, and steroids are often the prescription givin for poison ivy infection.

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What if your poison ivy bubble is big?

If the poison ivy bubble is big it is not poison ivy but rather poison oak the same remities apply for ridding yourself of it

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Is it true that chlorine relieves the itch from poison oak?

yes chlorine relieves the itch