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Q: What is in side of pepperoni and salami?
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Is salami spicy?

There are some types of salami that are spicy, like pepperoni. But not all types of salami are.

Which Italian salami is most like pepperoni?


What is the difference between pepperoni and salami?

Pepperoni is a variety of salami. It is an Italian version made with pork and beef and is a bit spicier than most salami. In fact, if you are in Italy you would order 'hot salami' if you wanted pepperoni, the Italian name being salame piccante or salamino piccante.

What does salami taste like?

Kinda like pepperoni but less spicier

What is a two word alternative to a pepperoni?

Dried sausage Cured meat Spicy salami

What r the types of pepperoni?

Pepperoni is a spicy Italian-American variety of salami (a dry sausage) usually made from cured pork and beef, but poultry could be added.

Is pepperoni made from goat meat?

The breed is swine. Pepperoni is made from pork. Now, when I had goats I made pepperoni with my meat, chevon, but, commercially, pepperoni is pork

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What did Ronald Reagan like to eat?

Pizza pepperoni with spagetti and pizza from the pizZa factory.likes subway from Corcoran

What is the difference between hard salami and regular salami?

Hard salami is German in origin and Genoa Salami is Italian. Genoa has more fat than Hard, but is more tasteful and softer to chew. Hard salami has smoke flavor added and Genoa has little seasoning, but is tasty as well. Being Italian myself, I prefer Genoa salami. Hard salami tends to taste just like a big pepperoni slice.

Are cats allowed to eat danish salami?

There are no rules or regulations about cats eating Danish salami. If you cat likes it, he will eat it. Maybe if it is spicy your cat won't like it, but I can assure you it is not against the law.HoweverSpicy foods will not agree with many cats, and too much can cause dehydration, as well as diarrhea. So it's best not to feed cats things like pepperoni and salami.

Is pepperoni pork?

Usually, but not always. Pork means it came from a pig, but you can get a similar cut, or processed meat from other animals too. There's Turkey bacon for instance, a leaner and healthier option.