

What is inside of an egg?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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egg white & egg yolk, aka the unborn remains of a baby chicken

that is nasty :)

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14y ago
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Is the yolk inside the egg or outside?

no, the egg yolk is just the yolk. and the egg white is just the white

Why is there a yolk inside an egg?

An egg yolk is the part of an egg which serves as the food source for the developing embryo inside.

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You can find thick and thin albumen inside an egg

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How birds hatch their egg?

They don't. The chick inside the egg opens it from inside when it has grown enough

Why does a egg have a shell?

It is to protect the embryo inside the egg.

How doeas it hatch from a egg?

The baby grows inside of the egg. If you are talking about chickens, they peck the inside of the egg until it cracks enough for them to climb out.

Why does an egg have egg yolk?

Because that is what the babies inside the egg eat as they are forming

What is the material of the chicken inside the egg?

because of some compounds and materials the egg form inside the chicken

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a baby crocodile squeaks inside its egg calling for its mother.

Why can twins from one egg exchange blood and organs but twins from two eggs cannot?

if they are in one egg, the process can go on inside the egg. but if they are in two, it cant pass from egg to egg. basically it can only happen inside the egg.