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Q: What is intraoffice communication?
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What is the definition of intraoffice communication?

The prefix intra- means "within" so that intra-office (intraoffice) communications would be those within a given office or division.The opposite would be interoffice communications, which are those that involve another office, division, or company. In many companies, this is done by office mail.

How do you spell intraoffice?

Interoffice means between offices. Use it when you are talking about things happening between two or more offices (which may be within the same organization). So you could write an interoffice memo to your boss down the hall.Intraoffice means within an office. Use it when talking about things happening within the same office. So you could write an intraoffice memo to your cubicle mate, or have an intraoffice discussion with somebody at your desk.People often use "interoffice" when they should use "intraoffice", but nobody really complains about it, and if you use "intraoffice", you may appear pedantic. Part of the confusion stems from how the word "office" has various meanings.- is it the room you work in?- all the rooms at that location?- the position or job title you have (e.g. if you are an "officer" of the company)?

What does the prefix 'intra' mean?

The prefix intra, which is used to form compound words, means within. It comes from the Latin word intra, which is akin to interior.

Basic types of communication?

inerta communication inter communication mass communication group communication

What are the four types of communication?

Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication,Written Communication and Visual communication

What communication is communication with oneself?

intrapersonal communication

What are the different elements and areas of communication?

area communication is are non-verval communication,verval communication and written communication

What are the three formal communication flows found organization?

Communication can be categorized into formal and informal communication. The three types of formal communication are horizontal communication, upward communication and downward communication.

What are the two general types of communication?

Communication is generally described as a process where a sender, receiver and a medium and a feedback is involved in it. the exchange of a medium or a message is known as communication. Types of communication. Formal Communication Informal Communication Verbal Communication Written Communication

How this computer be applied the communication?

the communication this computer be applied by communication of other computer with the communication

What are 3 types of communication?

There are more than three, but some of them include interpersonal communication; organizational communication; group communication; intrapersonal communication; and Mass Communication. (Some people would also add oral communication and written communication.)

What is the Relevance of communication to business communication?

you can't spell "business communication" w/o "communication"..