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Q: What is is the term used for the exchange of chromosomes fragments between chromatids of tetrads formed during meiosis?
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When occurs between nonsister chromatids genetic exchange between chromosomes provides new combinations of genes that are different from the parent cell?

crossing over

Difference between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes are individual chromosomes inherited from each parent. Sister chromatids are the result of DNA replication, and the are identical.

What is the relationship between chromosomes and chromatids?

Chromosomes are the condensed and replicated form of DNA. The two identical halves of the chromosomes are known as sister chromatids. Before division, while the chromatids are still attached, they form one chromosome. However, when anaphase (i.e the stage when chromosomes split) starts and they are separated, the two chromatids on the opposite poles of the cell become complete chromosomes.

Which part of chromosome exchange during meiosis centromere or telomere?

During meiosis, chromosome exchange occurs at the chiasmata, which are points of crossing over between non-sister chromatids. The exchange involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, not specifically at the centromere or telomere regions.

Does crossing over of non-sister chromatids result in generic variability?

Yes. It leads to exchange of genetic information between the chromosomes. Which in anaphase II would split in to separate single chromosomes that would be different than if crossing over didnt occur.

Explain the exchange of chromosome segments between chromatids of homologous or non-homologous chromosomes?

a. crossing over b. independent assortment or c. random fertilization

Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic information between what?

Non sister chromatids

Why do you use non-sister chromatids to demonstrate crossing over?

Crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes, which are not identical, as one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes comes from the mother, and one member comes from the father. Sister chromatids are identical and crossing over would have no effect.

What is the site of crossing over between two non-sister chromatids?

Chiasma - The microscopically visible site where crossing over has occurred between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

What is the exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes?

homologous chromosomes exchange alleles during crossing over.

Crossing-over is the exchange of reciprocal segments of DNA between homologous chromosomes true or false?

It's true that crossing over is the exchange of reciprocal DNA parts between homologous chromosomes.

Define crossing over and explain when it occurs?

Crossing over allows daughter cells to be unique.1In genetics, traits that are usually linked, because they are caused by genes that are close together on the same chromosome, occasionally separate in offspring. This is called crossing-over, and is observed when geneticists are tracking traits in organisms.2In cytology, homologous chromosomes (e.g. the two copies of chromosome 7, or both copies of chromosome 12) can be seen to pair up during the first stage of meiosis (prophase I). The pair, which consists of two chromosomes and therefore a total of four chromatids, is called a bivalent. At a few points, typically three or four, along the bivalent, non-sister chromatids (i.e. one belonging to each of the two chromosomes), break and exchange segments. The place at which one of these breaks occurs is called a chiasma (plural chiasmata).The cytological event (the exchange of corresponding segments of DNA between non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair of chromosomes) explains the genetic observation.