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Magma usually refers to molten rock when it is still underground, and a crater is a cup shaped depression in the surface whether in a volcano or not. If a crater were full of molten rock we'd call it lava. It might be fed by a magma pool below the surface.

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12y ago

A vent tube connects the magma chamber to the vent or crater of the volcano, hence allowing the magma to be released from the volcano and become lava.

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12y ago

A vent tube connects the magma chamber to the vent or crater of the volcano, hence allowing the magma to be released from the volcano and become lava.


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12y ago

A vent tube connects the magma chamber to the vent or crater of the volcano, hence allowing the magma to be released from the volcano and become lava.


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7y ago

Gravity connects the pool of magma to a crater. The magma pool may be fed by a source deep below the pool that facilitates the movement of molten rock/ magma.

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Is a hot spot

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Whats a pool of magma called?

A pool of magma is called a magma chamber. It is a large underground cavity filled with molten rock beneath a volcano that serves as a reservoir for magma before it erupts to the surface.

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Such a pool is called a hot spring.

How do you get past the magma pool guard?

first you have to find the magma leader.then you return where the magma pool guards. Answer by:Paxlux

What is the term given to underwater that is heated by magma that rises to the surface and collects in a natural pool called?

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Magma chambers

When groundwater is heated by a nearby body magma rises to the surface and collects in a natural pool it is called?

Hot Springs, or a Geyser.

What is the magma pool on Neopets?

The Magma pool is in Moltara, in the mining area. It is simply a pool of magma that has a guard watching over it.If the guard is awake, then he will not let you pass. But at a certain time (that time is different for each account), he is asleep.When he is asleep, you can sneak past and get anyof your Neopets painted Magma, so long as the species and color is compatible.

An underground pool that contains molten rock?

A magma chamber.

Is there a magma paintbrush or do you have to wait for the people by the magma pool to let you in?

There is no Magma Paint Brush, as you just have to find your 10-minute window in which the Magma Pool Guard is sleeping so you can sneak past. On extremely rare occasions, the Guard will let you pass even while he is awake. Nobody knows how this is triggered.

What is the term for groundwater heated by magma that rises to the surface and collects in a natural pool?

This is known as a hot spring. This process is one source of geothermal energy.

What is the main lava chamber in the neck of a volcano?

A magma chamber in a volcano is a pool-like container of liquid rock just below the earth underground. It is constantly under tremendous pressure, and with enough time, it can start fracturing rock to make places for magma to escape.

How do you get magma pet?

You need to visit the Magma Pool, located in Magma. You will either be allowed inside, and you can then turn your pet into a magma one, or you will be denied entry. It is completely random, and is also very rare. You just have to keep trying.