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Q: What is it called when a group of people move from nomadic lifestyle to farming lifestyle?
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What did not result from the development of farming techniques by the nomadic people?

The development of permanent settlements with complex social structures did not result from the development of farming techniques by nomadic people. Instead, they continued their traditional nomadic lifestyle of following herds and seasonal migrations.

What was one advantage of farming over a nomadic lifestyle?

One advantage of farming over a nomadic lifestyle is a more stable and consistent food supply. Farming allows for the cultivation of crops and domestication of animals in one location, reducing the need to constantly move in search of food sources.

What did the Neolithic people discover?

Neolithic people discovered agriculture, pottery, animal domestication, and settled communities. This shift from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle marked a significant turning point in human history.

What did farming mean to the nomadic people?

Farming to the nomadic people meant to gather up huge animals and eat them up

What did the effect of farming have on people?

The effect of farming had a significant impact on people as it led to the development of settled communities, the rise of civilizations, and the ability to produce a surplus of food. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming communities allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, and the advancement of technology and civilizations.

What is the definition of sedentary agriculture?

Sedentary agriculture refers to a system of farming where people settle in one place to cultivate crops instead of leading a nomadic lifestyle. This type of agriculture involves the use of permanent fields and allows for more intensive agricultural practices compared to nomadic or shifting cultivation.

Why were early Arab people nomadic.?

Early Arab people were nomadic due to environmental factors, such as the arid desert landscape of the Arabian Peninsula, which made farming difficult. Nomadism allowed them to move in search of water and pastures for their livestock, enabling them to survive in a harsh environment and maintain their way of life. Additionally, trade routes and interactions with other nomadic groups influenced their lifestyle.

How did farming change people's live?

Farming played a key role in the transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled societies. It provided a more stable food supply, allowing people to establish permanent settlements, develop more complex societies, and specialize in different trades. Farming also led to population growth and the ability to support larger communities.

What shelter did the aboriginal used?

Australian Aborigines were semi-nomadic and lived in basic shelters. When they lived their traditional lifestyle, the Australian indigenous people had simple lean-tos called humpies. They were made from branches, grass, bark and twigs. Humpies were just temporary shelters ideal for the nomadic lifestyle of the Aborigines.

What did aboriginals use for shelters?

Australian Aborigines were semi-nomadic and lived in basic shelters. When they lived their traditional lifestyle, the Australian indigenous people had simple lean-tos called humpies. They were made from branches, grass, bark and twigs. Humpies were just temporary shelters ideal for the nomadic lifestyle of the Aborigines.

How did farming change the lives of the people of the Stone Age?

Farming in the Stone Age led to a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. This allowed for a more stable food supply, leading to population growth and the development of more complex societies. Farming also enabled specialization of labor, the development of technology, and the growth of permanent settlements.

What lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution contributed to the development of cities?

The shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture was a key lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution that led to the development of cities. Farming allowed people to produce surplus food, which supported larger populations. This concentration of people in one place led to the growth of settlements and eventually the development of cities.