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A chemical reaction, a chemical change.

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Q: What is it called when changes occur when bonds form between atoms?
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What happens to atoms during chemical changes?

Chemical changes involve breaking and forming of bonds between atoms. Chemical energy is required to break bonds. The formation of new bonds releases energy.

When water changes to ice the link up of atoms does or does not change?

The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms of individual water molecules do not change when liquid water changes to ice. This is a physical change called freezing, and does not cause any chemical changes to occur. Only chemical changes can cause changes in chemical bonds.

When ice changes to water the link up of atoms does or does not change?

The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms of individual water molecules do not change when liquid water changes to ice. This is a physical change called freezing, and does not cause any chemical changes to occur. Only chemical changes can cause changes in chemical bonds.

Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electrogativity are called?

Such bonds are called non-polar bonds.

What is the bond between two atoms called?

Covalent Bonds

Where is the energy in a polysaccharide store?

In the chemical bonds of its monomers.

What is the energy stored the bonds between atoms called?

Compound energy

What Energy stored in the bonds between atoms is called?

Compound energy

What are hydrocarbons called that have singular bonds between C and H atoms?

these are called alkanes.

A bond where atoms are lent or and borrowed?

A bond where atoms are lent or and borrowed is called an ionic bond.

What is that energy that is stored in bonds between atoms is?

That's called chemical energy.

Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electronegativity are called what bonds?
