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I don't know the answer but, I have the same fear. I have full on panic attacks when I start to get close to an aquarium. I do not have a fear of water, or fish in open water. I can go fishing and not be afraid. It is strictly fish in a tank!

There is not a name for this phobia but here are a couple that could explain why you are afraid of fish in a tank.

Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces.

Hyelophobia (or Hyalophobia), Nelophobia is a fear of glass.

Aquaphobia or Hydrophobia is the fear of water.

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Q: What is it called when you have a fear of fish in a tank not the kind that you eat?
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the best tank cleaners are bristlenose plecs. they aren't violent at all, in fact there the least violent suckermouths. get them as young as possible. there not fighters though, so violent fish are a definite no. try to get them from auctions

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It's kind of inappropriate

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There are a variety of fish that can keep a tank clean. The type of fish will depend on the type of aquarium setup. In a freshwater tank, different types of plecostomus are most common.

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a net