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lots of fun. but it also depends on your age. You can go party! and meet lots of friends.

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Q: What is it like to be an exchange student in a foreign country?
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foreign exchange

How is foreign exchange rate determine?

Foreign exchange rate determine with various factors like 1.GDP- Gross Domestic Product 2.Policy of the country like Monetary & fiscal policy 3.Per capita income 4.IIP- index of industrial Production 5. Infrastructure 6.PEST issues 7. Currency exchange laws of the particular country. 8.Demand flow 9.FDI- foreign direct investment

I want to be an exchange student but what country would best suit me i would like to go to parties and be free and have lots of fun what's a country that speaks both English and another language?

The United States, Canada, Britain and South Africa are some of the best countries as far as the student exchange is concerned.

What is definition of foreign exchange market?

Foreign exchange is exchanging foreign currencies. The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investment by enabling the conversion of currency. In a typical forex transaction , one side purchases one currency for another. Currency trading is carried out on forex platforms, like eToro or Zulutrade. Fiding these platforms is usually done by searching the web for "forex", "foreign exchange", "trading forex, "trading online", and so on. Once a suitable platform is found, one can open an account and start trading. To learn more, it is advisable to look into the top forex websites, which have plenty of guides, turorials and useful information. ============================== Foreign Exchange refers to trading one type of money for the other in the FOREX market or foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange market deals with currencies; here you spend your own money to buy a foreign currency you want. Foreign exchange market offers services to many individuals, businesses and foreign investors. For individuals - if you are going to visit a country, then you need to exchange your country's currency into local country's currency for further expenditures. For businesses - if you're conducting business in overseas, then you must have a foreign bank account for exchange services. Because the bank will handle all the currency exchange services during money transaction. For investors - if you are investing money in different currencies, then you need foreign exchange service for investments.

What does foreign currency means?

Foreign currency is basically currency or denomination of another country. The term is mostly used in context with foreign exchange also known as forex. There are a number foreign echange specialists like Travelex India etc that do currency conversion.

Can somebody give you advice about studying in a foreign country for an Arab student?

well this is very simple my friend well when you are a foriegn student you tend to lack off on many problems and yea i like burritos

Student exchange Whats the AFS exchange program really Like?

The AFS student exchange programs usually last between 5 and 6 months whereby students from various campus exchange programs from their respective campuses.

How do you use the word exchange for in sentence?

looks like you are doing good. can we exchange it?

What happens at the foreign exchange market?

People buy and sell foreign currencies like euro, USD etc

Is fii and fpi same thing?

No, they are not the same one. FII- Foreign Institutional Investments are the investments by foreign financial institutes like banks, insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc. These are mostly in Govt. securities which are quite secure. FPI- Foreign Portfolio Investment are by foreign investors in shares, bonds and equity mkt. FPI brings foreign exchange to the country but it has its own problems. It brings volatile money ie it can be taken up by any economic heat and whenever it is taken up it creates foreign exchange crunch to the country.

When supply and demand analysis is used to study the exchange rate foreign exchange is treated just like?

a good or a service

What is a foreign exchange student?

It is very hard hosting a foreign exchange student. Especially if they are selfish, rude, ignorant, annoying, and down right stupid like mine was. She never said please or thank you, she stole a box of tampons from us (they are suppose to buy their own toiletries), she never offered anything to us (even though we offered her a home to live in), she has low C's and never understands our simplest sentences, and she talked crap about us to her friends on the phone.. IN ENGLISH.