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Its a hereditary and genetic disease that makes your hair follicles plug the pore, and making a well of a natural substance called Keratin. Try AmLactin, that usually makes them less noticeable. It cannot be removed or cured, and it may go away as you grow. You can get AmLactin at any dermatology website or office. Good Luck!

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Keratosis pilaris (KP, also follicular keratosis) is a very common GeneticsHair_folliclecondition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin. It most often appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms (though the lower arms can also be affected), and can also occur on the Thigh, Hands, and tops of Leg, Flank, Buttocks, or any body part except Glabrousskin (like the palms or soles of feet).Answers.comLess commonly, lesions appear on the Face, which may be mistaken for


Dont pick!! may spread liquid that is in the bumps. Worldwide, KP affects an estimated 40% of the adult population and approximately 50%-80% of all Adolescent. It is more common in men than in

There are several different types of keratosis pilaris, including keratosis pilaris rubra (red, inflamed bumps which can be on arms, head, legs), keratosis pilaris alba (rough, bumpy skin with no irritation), keratosis pilaris rubra faceii (reddish rash on the cheeks), and related disorders.

While KP resembles Goose_bumps, it is characterized by the appearance of small rough bumps on the skin. As a result, many people with keratosis pilaris do not know they have it, and it is often confused with

Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess Keratin, a natural protein in the skin. The excess keratin, which is cream colored, surrounds and entraps the Hair_folliclesin the pore. This causes the formation of hard plugs (process known as Hyperkeratinization). Bearing only cosmetic consequence, the condition most often appears as a proliferation of tiny hard bumps that are seldom sore or itchy. Though people with keratosis pilaris experience this condition year-round, it is during the colder months, when moisture levels in the air are lower, that the problem can become exacerbated and the Goose_bumpsare apt to look and feel more pronounced in color and texture.

Many KP bumps contain an Ingrown_hairthat has coiled. This is a result of the keratinized skin's "capping off" the hair follicle, preventing the hair from exiting. The hair grows encapsulated inside the follicle. The hair's removal can lead to scarring. This section does not Wikipedia:Citing_sourcesany Wikipedia:Verifiability.

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While there is no cure for keratosis pilaris, there are palliative treatments available. The efficacy of these treatment methods is directly related to the individual's commitment and consistency of use.

Creams containing the acid form of Vitamin_A, Tretinoin, have been shown to help. Most commonly sold under the trade name Retin-A, it is a topical Retinoidmedically approved in the treatment of Acne. This medicine works by causing the outer layer of the skin to grow more rapidly, decreasing the amount of the Keratinin the skin. As a result, the surface layer of the skin becomes thinner and pores are less likely to become blocked, reducing the occurrence of symptoms related to acne. While keratosis pilaris is not acne, some believe this action may be of benefit to those with KP as well.

Another retinoid that has the potential to help with keratosis pilaris is Adapalene. Benefits include increased stability when applied in conjunction with other topical medications, such as Benzoyl_peroxide. Adapalene is a moderator of cellular differentiation, keratinization, and inflammatory processes, having both exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects.

An alternative is the prescription medication Triamcinolone. Most commonly sold under the trade name Aristocort, Triamcinolone is a SyntheticCorticosteroid, compounded as a cream, which has been medically approved as an anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of Eczema. As the action responsible for alleviating eczema symptoms is, as with retinoid creams, the reduction amount of keratin in pores, the effect of Triamcinolone on KP is expected to be similar.

As with Triamcinolone, Tretinoin or any other treatment, once therapy is discontinued, the condition reverts to its original state. However, skin treated with Tretinoin may take several weeks or more to revert to its pre-treatment condition, but may, at the same time, take several weeks or more to show optimal results, with the condition commonly worsening initially, as underlying keratin is brought to the surface of the skin. Tretinoin is considerably more expensive and dispensed in smaller quantities than Triamcinolone and other treatments. Although it may be the most effective treatment for keratosis pilaris, it is not considered the first line of treatment.[Wikipedia:Citation_needed]

The condition is often dismissed outright by practitioners as being presently untreatable,[Wikipedia:Citation_needed] giving mere moisturizing suggestions or reassurance that the condition will improve or cease with age, typically after 30. Ignorance, accompanied with the price, availability, quantity dispensed, time taken for optimal results to be achieved, more serious side-effects, adverse reactions, and worsening of the condition in the initial treatment phase - coupled with the cheaper, safer, and easier availability of other treatments - has hindered Tretinoin from showing its potential in the treatment of this condition.[Wikipedia:Citation_needed]

Exfoliation_(cosmetology), intensive moisturizing cremes, lac-hydrin, creams, and lotions containing Alpha_hydroxy_acidsand Ureamay be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.

Beta hydroxy acids may help improve the appearance and texture of the afflicted skin. Milk_bathsmay provide some cosmetic improvement due to their containing Lactic_acid, a natural Alpha_hydroxy_acidin Sunlightmay be helpful in moderation. Tanning beds actually help. Coconut_oilmay also be helpful if applied to afflicted areas while in the shower. Scratching and picking at KP bumps causes them to redden, and, in many cases, will cause bleeding.

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You mean "Diabetic Ketoacidosis", check for it on Google. There's no such thing as diabetic keratosis.

what does actinic keratosis cause?

Actinic Keratosis is a type of precancer that can cause visible lesions on skin. If you have Actinic Keratosis, then you have sustained sun damage and could potentially develop skin cancer.

What is a good treatment for the disease keratosis?

A good treatment for the disease keratosis is to take medications like adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. These medicines often treat keratosis disease within 3 months.

What is one of the main risk of actinic keratosis?

The main risk of actinic keratosis is of skin cancer. This mainly has to do with the fact that actinic keratosis is caused by sun damage to skin, as is most skin cancer.

What is a benign overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis called?

Keratosis is the term for any condition that is a benign overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis.

What is the thickened area of the epidermis called?

A lesion caused by a thickened area of epidermis is known as a keratosis.

What is the keratosis pilaris treatment?

Keratosis pilaris is simply another name for chicken pox and can be cured with sleep, medicine and a clean diet.

What is actinic keratosis used for?

Actinic keratosis is not used for anything. It is a medical condition, a growth on the skin that may be a precursor to skin cancer. Actinic keratosis a dry, rough patch located on parts of the skin that are regularly exposed to the sun.