

What is leg medial rotation?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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"medial" means towards the center of the body. "rotation" connotes movement.

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Q: What is leg medial rotation?
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Knee Rotation:- as extension progresses, shorter, more highly curved lateral condyle exhausts its articular surface andis checked by ACL, whereas larger and less curved medial condyle continues its forwardroll & skids backward, assisted by tightening of PCL;- result is a medial rotation of femur (external tibial rotation) that tightens collateral ligaments, & joint is "screwed home",to use mechanical phraseology;- flexion of extended knee is preceded by lateral rotation of femur (or medial rotation of tibia), usually produced by popliteus;- this rotation relaxes the tension of the collateral ligaments sufficiently to permit flexion;

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Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation at the hip, and flexion and medial rotation at the knee.

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Lateral Rotation of the leg or External Rotation is when the leg is rotated externally with toes turned outward or away from body's midline .

Is the fibula lateral to the tibia?

The tibia is medial to the fibula. The tibia is the larger of the lower leg bones.

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The medial malleolus forms the medial portion of the ankle. The medial malleolus is familiar as the bump at your ankle that faces the other leg.