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the hydrochloric acid is likely to prevent the digestion of starch by carbohydrase enzymes in the stomache because the carbohydrase enzymes optimum PH is PH7. The Hydrochloric acid in the stomache makes the PH in the stomache PH3 therefore the stomache has too weak a PH for the enzymes to be able to work.

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Q: What is likely to prevent digestion of starch by carbohydrase enzymes in the stomach?
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What enzymes are required for digestion?

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What in the mouth secrete enzymes which help prepare the food for digestion in the stomach.?

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The salivary glands secret enzymes which help prepare food for digestion in the stomach

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Why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach A. mucus inhibits starch breakdown B Stomach enzymes are dysfunctional C should not be eaten with protein D. salivary enzymes don't work?

The answer is B