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Q: What is loss of movement due to nerve damage?
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What is visual evoked potential?

Visual evoked potentials are used to diagnose visual losses due to optic nerve damage, especially from multiple sclerosis. They are also useful to diagnose "hysterical blindness," in which loss of vision is not due to any nerve damage.

Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities are damaged to what?

Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities is often due to damage to the motor cortex or the pathways that connect the motor cortex to the muscles. Other possible causes include damage to the cerebellum or basal ganglia, which are involved in coordinating movement. Additionally, damage to the spinal cord can also result in loss of skilled motor function below the level of the injury.

How can an injury to a peripheral nerve cause loss to both sensory and motor function?

A damage or cutting of any sort of nerve in, for example, your arm may reduce your ability to touch or operate that arm to its full ability due to the lack of an efficient movement of current to command the arm and the inability to output to the spine and brain the feelings of the skin and the arm.

What is paresis?

Paresis is a condition characterized by partial loss of movement or impaired movement, usually due to weakness or neurological dysfunction. It can affect various parts of the body and is often associated with conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injury, or nerve damage. Physical therapy and medications are common treatment approaches for paresis.

Describe peripheral nervous system damage due to whiplash?

Damage is due to nerve root compression. Only a very small compression will interrupt blood flow to a nerve cell, resulting in numbness or tingling. Pain occurs when the damaged nerve is irritated.

What type of hearing problems are part of Refsum disease?

People with Refsum disease typically experience progressive hearing loss due to nerve damage that occurs early during development

Why do I have buzzing and hearing loss in my ear after a loud noise?

due to nerve fatigue.

what are the common causes of nerve pain and nerve damage?

Many causes of nerve pain or damage or due to some type of injury to the spinal column, like a slipped disc. Sometimes a pinched nerve can cause excruciating pain too.

What are the main causes of sensory loss in children?

sensory hearing loss, refers to damage to the organ of Corti and the acoustic nerve. Prolonged exposure to loud noise is the leading cause of sensory hearing loss.

What causes recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy What can you do to help it recover?

The nerve is best known for its importance in thyroid surgery, as it runs immediately posterior to this gland. If it is damaged during surgery, the patient will have a hoarse voice. Nerve damage can be assessed by laryngoscopy, during which a stroboscopic light confirms the absence of movement in the affected side of the vocal cords. Similar problems may also be due to invasion of the nerve by a tumor or after trauma to the neck. A common scenario is paralysis of the left vocal cord due to malignant tumour in the mediastinum affecting the left branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The left cord returns to midline where it stays. If the damage is unilateral, the patient may present with voice changes including hoarseness. Bilateral nerve damage can result in breathing difficulties and aphonia, the inability to speak. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve is more susceptible to damage during thyroid surgery due to its relatively medial location.

Comprehensive physical damage coverage pays for which kind of financial loss?

Comprehensive pays for loss or damage to your own vehicle due to theft, fire, and hail.

What are the factors used to approximate the value of loss for crash?

The factors that are used to approximate the value of a loss due to a crash are medical expenses, damage to the vehicle and property damage. Some formulas also include things such as loss of wages due to the inability to work or pain and suffering.