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Q: What is meaning of number of legs up in air on statues that have horses in them?
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There is an unknown number of men and horses. After some time half of the men left. The total number of remaining legs of the men and horses equals 70. Can you find the number of horses?

There are 7 horses and 21 people. 7 horses would equal 28 legs and 21 people would equal 42 legs which all together would equal 70 legs. By the same token, there could also be 17 horses and 1 man, 16 horses and 3 men, etc. For a brain teaser if you want a definitive answer you must have left out a piece of information like maybe the ratio of men to horses. If there was originally one man for each horse and then half of the men left, you can solve it with the following formula: There were originally x number of men and x number of horses. Now there are 1/2 x number of men. So, there are 2(1/2 x) men's legs and 4 x horses' legs. 2 (1/2 x) + 4x = 70 x + 4x = 70 5x = 70 x = 14 There are now 14 horses (56 legs) and 7 men (14 legs).

How many legs do horses have?

Horses are quadrupeds, so they have 4 legs.

110 heads and 256 legs horses and chickens how many chickens?

If they were all horses you'd have 440 legs, so you're 184 legs "short", so you have half that number of chickens ie 92, leaving 18 horses. That's 92 x 2 and 18 x 4 legs, 184 + 72 = 256

Who has stronger legs - cats or horses?


Is a horse a quadruped?

Yes. A "quadruped" (Latin having four feet) is any animal with four legs.

Do Andalusian horses have chestnuts on the inside of their legs?

All horses have the chestnuts on the inside of the legs.

On a farm there are horses and chickens There are total of 107 heads and 392 legs How many horses are on the farm?

If all were horses there would be 428 legs. The shortfall of 36 legs represents 18 chickens so there are 89 horses.

What is HORSES?

Horses are mammals/animals with four legs.

How long is the legs of a wild horse?

The length of the horses legs will vary according to the horses overall height.

On a farm there are horses and chickens there are total of 45 heads and 156 legs how many horses are on the farm?

Answer : 33 horses. Number of Horses (H) + Number of Chickens (C) = 45 therefore C = 45 - H There are 4H horse legs and 2C chicken legs so, 4H + 2C = 156 substituting for C gives :- 4H + 2(45 - H) = 156 4H + 90 - 2H = 156 2H = 156 - 90 = 66 H = 33 There are 33 horses (and 45 - 33 = 12 chickens)

how many legs do 28 horses have?

28 horses multiplied by 4 legs each horse equal 112 legs 28 * 4 = 112

On a farm there are three-legged-cows and horses There are total of 105 heads and 392 legs How many three-legged-cows are on the farm?

You are supposed to: 1) Write two equations, one for the number of heads (express it in terms of the number of cows and horses, which of course are expressed as variables), and one for the number of legs (also expressed as an equation in terms of the number of cows and horses. 2) Solve the two equations simultaneously.