

What is meant by 'static' in C plus plus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Static in C/C++ means that the variable will keep its value across calls to the function.


func() {

static int x=0;


cout << x << endl;


main() {





This will print:








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Q: What is meant by 'static' in C plus plus?
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Yes and no. Static vs dynamic binding is not a C or C++ language issue; it is a linker issue. If you link with a .lib file that contains stubs for run-time loading, then the called routine will not be loaded until it is invoked, and it will not be made a part of the load module.

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If you mean the original name of C++, it was originally called "C with Classes". However, after the introduction of template metaprogramming, it was renamed C++ which meant "the successor to C".

What is meant by static identifier?

Nothing. I guess you mean a static variable.

What is static variable in the class for c plus plus?

Static member variables are local to the class. That is, there is only one instance of a static member variable, regardless of how many objects are instantiated from the class. As such, they must be declared inside the class, and defined outside of the class.

When do we use int in c plus plus programming?

'int' is one of the built-in data-types, it is meant to hold integer values.

Can you overload static functions in c plus plus?

Yes, but overloads cannot differ by return type alone. The signatures must differ by the number and/or the type of the arguments.

How is dynamic initialisation achieved in c plus plus?

The C++ standard has this to say about dynamic initialisation:"Objects with static storage duration shall be zero-initialised before any other initialisation takes place. Zero-initialisation and initialisation with a constant expression are collectively called static initialisation; all other initialisation is dynamic initialisation."