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First, it doesn't. Only six states have that law. see links below

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Q: What is meant by generally in most states child support stops at 18?
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Can Child support be garnished from GI bill?

It is unclear what is meant by "GI Bill" but a military retirement pension or disability award can be garnished for child support.

If a child support determination was made in one state and then the parent and child relocate to another state with the court's permission is child support based upon the formula in the state where th?

....the the question trails off with a "...where th" but I assume the questioner meant the original state where they relocated from. Normally the original state's laws will govern until after the child has lived in the new state long enough and under that new state's child support modification section of the family code, it is then allowable to petition for a change. with some exceptions, in Washington state this is 2 years (i assume as this question was posted under wash., wash. was one of the states concerned.) i had a case once where the original state entered an egregious order, but under the federal "full faith and credit clause" which tells the states to generally respect the judgments and orders of other states, our court deferred for two years. you can view child support modification basics at the link below ,(as well as a Washington state child support calculator): modification basics: <a href="">modifying support</a> or a calculator here:

Child support reduction for child aging out?

Sorry, but maybe you meant child support modification? A child support modification is a judicial order and can significantly reduce or increase the amount of support a parent gives or receives. also if you need to know more about child support, here is the following link that should be useful to you: lawrina.

What is the minimum child support can take?

There is no minimum amount. Perhaps what is meant is..."What is the maximum amount"? In regards to the percentage of a non custodial parent's income/assests that can be garnished for child support obligations, that is determined by the laws of the state in which the support order is rendered. There are some US states where the percentage could be as much as 50% of the non custodial parent's disposable income.

Can you be jailed for attempting to pay child support?

I think what was meant here was, can you be jailed for unsuccessfully attempting to pay child support and the answer is yes, but it's very rare - the system would rather see the money than support you in jail.see link below

If you owe back child support and your child turns 18 who will get the money the child or the custodial parent?

The custodial parent who has had the burden of bringing up the child without the support you were meant to pay will get the funds. However if the sate has been subsidizing your child and the custodial parent when this would not have been necessary if you had payed the support you should have been paying, then the sate (taxpayer) will get the payments it is owed first.

Will an obligated parent still be responsible for back child support if they voluntarily relinquish their parental rights and the custodial parent agrees to waive the arrearages?

Assuming that the support was paid to the custodial parent and was not through the state's division of child enforcement then the court might waive the debt. Generally a voluntary relinquishment of parental rights is granted to allow the child/children to be eligible for adoption. A TPR is not meant to be a legal venue for a parent to be relieved of the financial obligation to their minor children.

What is meant by parent child interaction?

what is meant by parent child interaction/

Can any owed child support be taken out of year end taxes for a non biological child in Washington state?

Taxes, no; tax refunds due the obligor, yes. Not sure what is meant by "non biological child" - paternity must be established before any support is ordered. I have gone to Past due child support can be taken out of Tax refunds for a non-biological child. (from a spouse of the non-custodial parent)

Can you get child support in mass if the ex does not maintain a room for him?

the two are unrelated Im sure she meant Massachusettes. And Im sure you can. Just have to look into it. Might have to get a hold of CPS. child protection services

What is meant by stupid?

Generally, what is meant by stupid is showing a lack of intelligence.

If the following who wanted slaves to count in their total population?

The slave-holding states (obviously).This meant primarily the southern states; the land in northern states did not really support the kind of extensive farms where unskilled slave labor was of much use.