

What is meant by heap in c or cpp?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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14y ago

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If you see the word "heap" in the context of C/C++ programming, it is probably referring to one of two ideas.

First, if it is written as "the heap", it is probably referring to dynamically allocated memory. We conceptualize memory as either being on "the stack" or "the heap" in main memory. Memory allocation from the heap happens when a call to malloc (or similar functions) are called in C, or when the "new" operator is used in C++. This is in contrast to statically allocated memory, which comes from the load module and is known at compile-time, or from the "stack" which is used at run-time to allocate local scope, or automatic, memory.

Another usage of the word heap is a certain data structure called a heap. It is a very common data structure for priority queues and is crucial to the famous HeapSort algorithm. You can easily find more information on this data structure e.g. by searching for HeapSort.

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