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Q: What is meant by instruction set completeness?
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Describe the function of the instruction set of a CPU?

They tell the CPU where to find the data, when to read it, and what to do with it.

What A CPU really only understands instructions that are written in machine language.?

A CPU will have an "instruction set" which consists of primitive instructions i.e a command like MOVE:1002,1003 could be an example of an instruction to move the contents in memory location 1002 to the memory location of 1003. Some CPU's operate as a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) and others operate as a CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer). Which basically means some have more "primitive instructions" than others but the more complex an instruction is - The more work will be needed to execute it. Alan Turing proved only 6 of these primitive commands are needed to compute anything that is "computable" by machines. Nowadays, programmers will write code in an "high level" language which contains more of these "primitive commands" but then the code will be compiled into a set of instructions that the CPU can actually execute (i.e to the instruction set of the targeted CPU). If we were to try to write any sufficiently complex program using only the instruction sets of CPU's, it would become very complicated for humans to understand and would take a ridiculously long time.

Is xor an instruction for the assembly language?

It depends on the specific instruction set for the processor you are programming. Most processors will support the basic logical instructions, but you would have to view the documentation for a particular processor to know for sure.

What is orthogonality in a programming language?

In computer programming, orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to build the control and data structures of the language. The term is most-frequently used regarding assembly instruction sets, as orthogonal instruction set.

Why CMPS instruction is used in 8086 programming?

The CMPS instruction in the 8086/8088 is compare string. It iterates until CX is zero, or [DS:SI] is not equal to [ES:DI], incrementing (or decrementing if DF is set) SI and DI, and decrementing CX along the way.