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Q: What is meant by sparse in signal and image processing?
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What is meant by a kernel in image processing?

A kernel is defined as a small central part of something. In the case of image processing it is a tool used to edit the image by sharpening, blurring , embossing it, and so on.

What is meant by smoothing in image processing?

With selections, it will try to smooth out jagged edges.

What is meant by aliasing?

Distortion of frequency introduced by inadequately sampling a signal, which results in ambiguity between signal and noise. An unaliased image is an undistorted image provided by a robust sampling. or In signal processing, computer graphics and related disciplines, aliasing refers to an effect that causes different continuous signals to become indistinguishable (or aliases of one another) when sampled. It also refers to the distortion or artifact that results when a signal is sampled and reconstructed as an alias of the original signal.

What is meant by mean square error in digital image processing?

The mean square error is used as part of the digital image processing method to check for errors. Two MSEs are calculated and then compared to determine the accuracy of an image.

What is meant by ringing artifacts in image processing?

Edges with high contrast that have shadows after compression (like rings when you drop a pebble into a pond).

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Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This one meant a beating. The image is of a fight where one person "throws in the towel" to signal defeat.

What is meant by base band digital signal?

It means the signal is not modulated.

What is meant by signal related to signals and systems?

signal is a physical quantity.the system which capable of analyzing the signal is the system.

What is meant by saliency in image processing?

Saliency is an attempt to determine which regions of an image are the most conspicuous. It's a loosely bio-inspired concept - when processing a new scene a low-level process drives rapid eye movement (called saccades) as the brain seeks to determine what it needs the eyes to focus on first. This calculation is performed by the regions V1-V4 of the primary visual cortex.

What is meant by amplifier?

An amplifier amplifies the small input signal to a high signal without changing its freqency.

What is meant by a camera lens IQ?

Image Quality

What is meant by task processing time?

A task can refer to a process or a part of a process.The processing time of a task is the actual amount of time in which the CPU was processing instructions for that task.