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Medical underwriting investigates your medical history and determines your eligibility for coverage. They enforce the guidelines established by the insurance company. Underwriting may also play an important role in determining the payment of claims. They can decline your ability to be covered by their policy, or they can place a "rider" on a condition meaning they would not cover anything having to do with a certain medical condition, but possibly cover the medication that is prescribed for the condition. For instance if you had back problems, they would not cover any future back problems but may cover your pain medication. They can also give you a "rate-up" meaning if you got a quote from an agent and the underwriters found a specific reason to increase your premiums, they would notify you that your original quote was going to be a given percentage higher because of a certain medical condition. For instance, height and weight restrictions could cause your rate to increase from the original quote. These guidlines vary between the companies.

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Medical underwriting is the process by which an insurer evaluates the past health history and the present state of an applicant's health. Its purpose is to determine if the applicant comes within "underwriting guidelines" that it has established. The guidelines essentially set the parameters of the risks that the insurer is willing to undertake. In turn, they have a bearing upon the ultimate premium for the coverage, as the premium is the amount paid by the insured to the insurer for undertaking the risk of loss.

Underwriting guidelines are a function both of industry standards and of the law. Because insurers are regulated by State insurance departments of the States in which they do business, they are required to adhere to each State's law. One of the areas of regulatory involvement is to approve (or disapprove) proposed underwriting guidelines for the insurer's product(s) before the insurer can market the product in the State.

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Due to the broad diversity of medical coverage that is available, it is best to review the underwriting of your specific medical coverage. It is perhaps an even more prudent idea to contact your insurance provider and specifically ask about the specialist in question. Often times, insurance companies have a database of approved partner health care providers.

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In general, underwriting involves the assessment of risks. Insurance companies have "underwriting guidelines" that define the metes and bounds of the risks they are willing to accept. Those metes and bounds are defined, in turn, by the type of insurance that the insurer issues. That is, the underwriting considerations for a life insurance company involve factors such as age and health, whereas underwriting considerations for an insurer that issues automobile physical damage coverage involves considerations such as make and model of the auto, where the auto is principally kept, number of miles driven, and driving history. The totality of the underwriting factors, in part, determine the premium that the insurer will charge for the insurance.

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Is health insurance and medical insurance the same definition?

Medical insurance will only pay you for hospitalization, predetermined ailments, and accidents. Health insurance covers hospitalization as well as ambulance charges. Add-on coverage includes critical illness, accidental disability, and so on. Medical insurance has no coverage flexibility; health insurance consumers can reduce the length of their policy.

Is medical insurance and health insurance interchangeable terms?


Where can one apply for medical health insurance?

One can apply for medical health insurance from many different companies. Some companies that offer medical health insurance include SFHSA, Medi-Cal, and eHealthInsurance.

What types of services does Mega Insurance offer?

Mega Insurance offers Life and Health Insurance. The have interests in underwriting. Their services are available for the right person looking for this type of service.

What is the difference between health insurance and a medical plan?

They're basically the same thing. Health insurance is an insurance plan that pays medical bills.

What does cobra insurance coveage cover?

Cobra insurance coverage covers health and medical needs. They are a health insurance place. They don't cover really anything but medical and health things.

What is life and health insurance license exam?

This online exam covers comprehensive introduction to health, accident and disability insurance. This would include contract law, health insurance providers, insurance policies for life and health, government programs, private insurance plans for seniors, underwriting and premiums, group health insurance and the uses of health insurance. This may feature interactive learning aids that will help you through the process of your insurance licensing exam.

Is True that medical insurance and health insurance are interchangeable terms?

Technically, there is no difference between medical insurance and health insurance.Even they are called mediclaim insurance policy,leading to the same ocean !

Can you get medical care with no insurance in Canada?

Agile Health Insurance makes it simple to choose, compare & apply online for affordable Health Insurance from leading Health Insurance Companies with ObamaCare options, Short-Term Health & Dental Insurance too!