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Mercury is a rocky planet with a huge iron core which makes up a large part of its interior.

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Q: What is mercury mostly made of?
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Is mercury mostly made mostly made of gass or rock?

Mercury is a rocky planet.

Is mercury made of mostly gas and rock?


Is mercury made of carbon and oxygen?

No. The element mercury contains only mercury atoms. The planet Mercury is made mostly of silicon, oxygen, and iron.

Is mercury made mostly by gas or rock?

Oddly, Mercury is actually mostly metal. Mercury has a thin rocky crust and a very large iron core.

What is mercury's mantle mostly made up of?

It is made of iron and nickel.

Is mercury made of mostly of gas of rock?

Yes it is

Is Planet Mercury made mostly of gas or rock?

Mercury is a rocky planet.It's actually a rock because it is one of the inner planets that are all made of rock.The planet Mercury is a dense, rocky, airless world.

WHAT Mercury's core is mostly made up of?

I believe it is IRON.

WHAT Mercury's crust is mostly made up of?

your mommas smelly dick

What is mercurys core mostly made of?

== == Mercury has an iron-nickel core.

Is mercury mostly gas or rock?

Mercury is mostly rock

Is Mars made mostly of gas or rock?

mars is mostly made of rock because it is a rock planet. earth,mercury, and venus are all rock planets