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The world's militaries use war dogs for many purposes in combat, such as scouting, tracking, and sentry duty.

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Q: What is military infantry with a military dog called?
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What came first dog tags or military dog tags?

If you are refering to tags for dogs they are not called "dog tags". So the Military one came first.

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Why is the infantry known as the queen of battle?

Infantry has been called "The Queen of Battle" for hundreds of years. Most believe it originates from the game chess. The infantry are the most essential component of any military. Just as the queen piece on the chess board, the infantry are the most powerful, decisive, and important part of the game of war.

Can women in the army join the infantry forces?

Not in the US military, no.

What type of military did ancient Athens have?

Citizen soldiers, who were heavy infantry and called out for operations when required, and underwent monthly training activity; augmented by slave light infantry and archers. A large war fleet manned by citizens and hired seamen.

What branch was Sergeant York in the military?

Army, 82nd Infantry Division.

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18th infantry

Can a woman be infantry in any branch of the us military?

No. Infantry is only an Army organization, not Navy, Air force, Marines, or Coast Guard.

What does DOG tag stand for in the US military?

military Id tags are worn around the neck with a chain. there are two of them. if a military member is killed one of the tags is removed and forwarded to graves registration for reporting. since the tags 'look' like DOG tags, the slang word DOG-TAGS became part of military slang when referring to ID. tags.................. Alot of people called those among the ranks of the military the military dogs. The name of dog tags may be referring to the military owning them and them being the dogs of the military.

Was actor Tom Selleck ever in the military?

Yes, Tom Selleck was in the military. He served in the 160th Infantry in the California National Guard.

What is a dog robber in the military?

A dog robber is an aide to a military officer.

What is a foot solider in Sparta called?

Hoplites (armoured infantry) and Peltasts (light infantry).