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I believe horses are more popular

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Q: What is more popular horses or hamsters?
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What is more popular rabbits or hamsters?

Yes, because hamsters are interactive and fish you just watch them.

Why do they only sell dwarf hamsters in stores and what happened to regular sized hamsters?

Well I'm sorry to say but syrian hamsters are not that popular any more some places syrian hamsters are very popular but some places there not

Are female hamsters more popular than male hamsters?

It doesn't really matter but, most people purchase more male hamsters, rather than females. There is no reason, though. They just do!

What small animals are more popular as pets than hamsters?

Fish are a popular alternative to pet hamsters. They require less upkeep than hamsters and there are many varieties that you can choose from. Another popular choice for many people, are gerbils, which are very similar to hamsters, yet they live in a slightly different environment and prefer to burrow.

Are ponies more popular than horses?

NO WAY!!!! HORSES R THE BEST! Diffidently not!!!!!! Horses are the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!

Are white horses more popular than black horses?

False. White horses are quite rare and their care (due to the fact that they have pink skin) is much more involved than is the care of a horse with dark skin. Black horses have always been popular and there are many more of them.

If a man has 4 dogs 8 hamsters and 7 rabbits how many horses does he have?

Well, if you assume that he only has the animals he stated, and no more, then he would have no horses. If he has more animals that that, but he isn't telling us, then we wouldn't know.

What are the most popular horses?

Quarter Horses are the most popular horses in the United States

What animal is popular in the US?

There are a lot of animals that are popular in the Unites States. The more common pets tend to be dogs and cats. Many people also have horses, goats, pigs, a variety of birds, snakes, hamsters, and guinea pigs. Other animals that cannot be kept as pets are also very popular. My daughter and a few of her friends are crazy about pandas.

Is a horse endangerd?

No miniature horses are not endangered, they are one of the more popular breeds.

Do dancing llamas eat hamsters?

Llamas don't dance, and nor do they eat hamsters. They are herbivores, they eat grass like cows and horses do.

Why did cars become more popular than horses?

Because the dinosuars shot them with a rifle