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1. alprazolam(Xanax) is way more powerful, Ativan isn't even is potent as Valium trust me Xanax is the way to go either that or klonopin but I prefer Xanax

2. I've tried both. I currently have access to both. Ativan hits harder and produces a more euphoric feel for me. The only problem is it only last about 20 - 30 min tops. Xanax just makes me fall asleep. I also am always off balance in the morning after doing xanax the night before.

3. As you can see, it's quite subjective. Objectively speaking, the statements "Xanax is way more powerful" and "ativan isn't even as potent as Valium" are false. Xanax IS a powerful med, with a potency trailing only Halcion and Klonopin in the U.S. Ativan is one of the more potent benzodiazepines as well, with a strength equal to that of flunitrazepam (Rohypnol or "roofies" though it does not behave the same pharmacologicaly) It [Ativan] is about five times more potent than Valium, thus it is dosed in smaller amounts, so Valium, when adjusted for potency, may "feel" stronger to some than Ativan to some.

Though equivalency charts vary, the standard equivalent doses for the four main benzos are 0.5mg Xanax = 10mg Valium (gold standard) = 1-2mg Ativan = 0.25-0.5mg Klonopin (I've found the potency of Klonopin to be exaggerated. It is probably closer to 0.5mg than 0.25mg and Ativan to be underestimated, probably closer to 1mg than 2mg, but again... each person will perceive any of these drugs differently)

The reason Xanax is probably often perceived as "more powerful" is because it has a quick onset and short duration of action. So it hits the individual taking it quickly, strongly, and wears off quickly as well. Ativan, on the other hand has a moderate half-life and duration of action, so it is felt more gradually and the effects stay longer before wearing off a little more gradually. (Unless taken under the tongue. It is then absored directly into venous circulation and it's are felt within minutes)

Personally, I prefer Ativan and Tranxene. Xanax does what it's supposed to do and obliterates anxiety, but the potential for addiction, in my opinion, outweighs its benefits. Valium and Tranxene are almost identical, with Tranxene having one major metabolite which is the principal metabolite of Valium and Valium having several-- they are the longest acting benzos. The quality and characteristics of Ativan work best for me. It is like a cross between Xanax and Valium, IMO. I don't care for Klonopin as it causes increased aggression and anger for me. But it does work- can also be taken sublingually for panic and is VERY effective.

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Q: What is more powerful Xanax or Ativan?
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Xanax is more powerful. Zoloft is meant for people who should not take xanax, because they have a history of abusing drugs.

You ran out of your 5 Ativan and you are wondering if you csn tske 5 xnax instead?

Ativan and Xanax do NOT have equivalent dosing.So no, .5 ativan does not equal .5 xanax.Also, Xanax tends to be more sedating and faster acting than ativan; it also (for most people) gets out of your system faster.

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Both belong to class the class of "super-potent" benzodiazepines. Technically, Klonopin is more potent than Ativan (0.25mg-0.5mg klonopin = 1mg ativan), but if you are wondering which produces more euphoria, most would agree Ativan beats Klonopin. My psychiatrist recently swapped me from klonopin to ativan for my social anxiety, and I find ativan works faster and produces a much more calming effect than the klonopin did.

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Ativan or Librium. Avoid Xanax.

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No, It is a SSRI. Benzo's are xanax and ativan.

How do you compare strengths of a 1mg xanax to a 1mg Ativan?

I would consider the Xanax much stronger.

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A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

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Yes, they are both benzodiazepines so "crossing over" is possible. It should be noted, however, that Xanax is roughly twice as potent as Ativan and has a much faster half-life so it may seem like the Ativan is not as effective in someone who is used to the rapid onset of Xanax. Of course, some people find that Ativan works better than Xanax for anxiety. It just depends on the person and what your taking it for