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Atoms with full outer electron shells are more stable. The atoms (elements) with full outer electron shells are the noble (sometimes called inert) gases. These are the elements in Group 18 of the Periodic Table, and you know them as helium, neon, argon, krypton, exnon and radon.

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Q: What is more stable partially filled or full electron shells?
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How many shells in sodium?

the sodium atom has 3 shells where 2 electrons are in the first shell, 8 in the second and 1 in the third shell; which isn't stable..... and its symbol is Na :)

What is the result of sodium atom transferring an electron to a chlorine atom and they become stable?

The result is what you use to put in the food. Table salt (or sodium chlorine). It's a very stable compound, as each of the ions have their orbitals completely filled. Recall that in their normal states, Sodium has only one valence electron, and the Clorine is missing one to have its orbitals filled.

What is the name of the compound with the formula Pl3?

It would be phosphorus (I) iodide. However, this is not a stable compound; under normal conditions phosphorus and iodine combine to produce phosphorus (III) iodide (which is also not stable ... it's explosive ... but is considerably more stable than phosphorus (I) iodide is). The electron configuration of the phosphorus in PI3 is [Ne]s2, while that of PI is [Ne]s2p2. The filled s subshell is at least metastable, while a filled s subshell plus a partially filled p subshell is normally not and requires considerable effort to maintain.

What evidence is there that an electron octet is a particularly stable valence configuration?

The evidence comes from the Noble Gases of the Periodic Table of the Elements. Electron octet rule for stability is based on the noble gases, which are also called the inert gases because they are so stable they rarely react with anything. Chemists have come up with the theory of electron orbitals to explain stability. These are referred to as S orbital, P orbital, D orbital, etc. When the outer most orbital contains an octet the electron orbital resembles the Noble Gases and hence why it is considered stable valence configuration.

What is the formula of the ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration?

Na+ is the formula of the ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration.

Related questions

Are atoms most stable when they have partially filled shells?

no. they are more stable when they have completely filled or half filled shells

What are stable electron configurations are likely to contain?

completely filled valence shells

Does a partially filled outer electron level make an atom stable?

yes that is true, it does make up an atom stable.

What are stable electron configurations most likely to contain?

filled energy sublevels

What is a partially filled outer electron level makes with?

A completley filled out electron level makes the atom stable

How many extra valence electrons does helium need to become stable?

Helium has 2 valence electrons and has completely filled orbitals / shells and helium is stable.

Why metals react by losing electrons whereas halogens react by gaining electron?

Metals have a few electrons fairly loosely bound in their outer "shells", while halogens have nearly-complete outer electron "shells". The most stable configuration for an atom is to have completely-filled shells, so it's easy for metals to lose an electron or two and get down to the next "completely filled" shell, while halogens pick up extra electrons to get to the next filled shell.

What is characteristic about the outer electron shells of the halogens?

The outer electron shells of the halogens contain seven electrons, and need one more electron to have eight and become stable.

Is an atom with an outer shell reactive?

No reactive elements always have partially filled shells- never full outer shells. Because they are partially filled they are less stable and want to react. If they had full shells they would be very stable.

If atom is chemically stable if it and outer energy level is filled with what?

A half filled sub-shell is more stable than other partially filled shells. As an example use Chromium. It should by logic have the following: Sc = [Ar]4s23d1 Ti = [Ar]4s23d2 V = [Ar]4s23d3 Cr should in theory be Cr = [Ar]4s23d4 but it is not. Half filled shells are more stable so the configuration is Cr = [Ar]4s13d5 two half filled sub levels and then Manganese is Mn = [Ar]4s23d5 one full and one half filled level.

According to the oclet rule an atom with two electron shells is most stable when it contains eight?

The octet rule is a simple rule of thumb that states that atoms tend to combine in such a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shells, giving them the same electron configuration as a noble gas. The rule is applicable to the main-group elements. In simple terms, molecules or ions tend to be most stable when the outermost electron shells of their constituent atoms contain eight electrons.ELECTRONS

Filled energy sublevels are more than partially filled sublevels?

3, three, tres