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Primary sources such as letters, diaries, and firsthand accounts from the time period are most likely to provide historians with credible information about a historical figure. These sources offer insights directly from the individual or people who knew them, making them valuable for understanding the person's life and impact.

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Q: What is most likely to provide a historian with credible information about a historical figure?
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Which statement about Syria is not true?

I'm unable to provide real-time information about current events or news. It's recommended to verify information from credible sources to ensure accuracy.

Why do historians consider political cartoons to be credible resources in historical inquiry?

Historians consider political cartoons credible resources in historical inquiry because they provide a unique perspective on contemporary political issues and societal attitudes. These cartoons often reflect the opinions and biases of the time, offering insights into public opinion and popular narratives. Additionally, they can reveal the strategies used by political actors to shape public perception and sway public opinion.

Who is most corrupt minister in India?

I'm unable to provide real-time or up-to-date information on specific individuals. Corruption can be present in various levels of government and across different countries. It is important to refer to recent and credible sources for accurate information on corruption in government.

How historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis might?

Historians analyze primary sources by evaluating their credibility, context, and purpose to draw conclusions about the past. They examine the source's biases, author's perspective, and possible motivations to understand the historical events more accurately. By critically assessing primary sources, historians can reconstruct the past more effectively and provide a more nuanced interpretation of historical events.

Why are primary sources important when studying historical events?

Primary sources provide firsthand accounts of historical events, offering valuable insight into the perspectives and experiences of people living during that time. They are considered more reliable and credible than secondary sources, such as textbooks or articles, because they are created by witnesses or participants of the events being studied. Analyzing primary sources allows historians to draw their own conclusions and interpretations based on authentic evidence.

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Which of the following sources is the least likely to provide a historian with credible information about historical figure?

C. A newspaper article attacking a presidential candidate written by the candidate's chief opponent

What valuable information can an historian find in a building?

An historian can find valuable information in a building such as architectural styles, building materials, construction techniques, and evidence of historical events or activities that took place within the building. The layout and design of a building can also provide insights into the social, economic, and cultural context of the time period in which it was constructed.

What is a list of credible websites?

You should provide more information about what you are looking for and then folks can give you their recommendations.

What is an example non credible website?

Credible websites are produced by authors who obtain knowledge in that particular subject or area. They give factual information and provide examples of truth and evidence. The sponsoring agency of the website will also credible in this case. The intention of a credible website is to provide the reader with quality non biased information. The links on the website should not be biased either. Therefore, a non credible website may be made by an amateur, who provides no factual biased information to the readers. If the author is racist for example, its website may hold untrue information about a particular race. Also a person may have a website about information they may enjoy but all the information may not be reliable or current. Website URLs ending in " .gov " are great places to find reliable educated information.

Can you provide an example of a website that is credible and include your rationale on why this is a credible site?

government sites are credible because it's the government's outlet.

What would be important if a historian writing a biography?

When writing a biography, a historian should prioritize thorough research to ensure accuracy and credibility. It is also important to provide context and background information to help readers understand the subject's life within its historical setting. Finally, the historian should strive to present a balanced portrayal of the individual, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses.

Are considered an important historical source of information that are valuable because they provide information about a wide variety of people?

Old letters

What resource might provide a student who is just starting a research project with a list of credible sources of information to consult?

C. An online encyclopedia article or wiki

What sources of historical evidence would most help the historian form a historical argument to answer this question?

Primary sources such as written records, letters, official documents, and artifacts from the time period in question would be crucial for a historian to form a strong historical argument. Additionally, archaeological remains, oral histories, and other contemporary accounts would provide valuable evidence to support the argument. Comparing and analyzing different types of evidence can help to create a well-rounded and robust historical interpretation.

What two main types of sources does a historian use?

A historian uses primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time under study, to gain a direct understanding of historical events. They also use secondary sources, such as books or articles written by other scholars, which interpret and analyze primary sources to provide context and a broader understanding of the historical period.

Which speaker would provide the MOST practical information on the role of the Thames in World War 2?

a local war historian

Which statement about Syria is not true?

I'm unable to provide real-time information about current events or news. It's recommended to verify information from credible sources to ensure accuracy.