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Q: What is nation with a strong national government headed by elected leaders?
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Related questions

Is a federal government or national government headed by a President?

A federal government like that of the USA

How are theocracy leaders chosen?

By definition, a theocracy is a government headed by God, so the selection of theocratic leaders would be at the choosing of God.

What government has religious leaders that are also politica?

There have been many governments that have had religious leaders who are also political leaders. This type of government is known as a theocracy. A modern day example of this would be Iran. It is headed by a President, but he takes his orders from religious leaders who are actually in charge.

What is republic government also known as?

this is defined as a sovereign state headed by a president ,elected for some fix term in office.

What is the name of a government ruled by leaders with divine authority?

A theocracy is technically a government ruled by God, and his authorities (the religious leaders) interpreting his word and administrating it for him.An ecclesiocracy is a government in which religious leaders assume a leading role in the state, but do not claim that they are speaking for God.

What is the central government of Canada headed by?

The government was headed for the Prime Minister.

What are Leaders of Iran called?

Iran's government has three branches, but the most powerful is the judiciary, led by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The executive is headed by President Rouhani.

What branch of government is headed by the Chief Justice?

The branch of government that is headed by the Chief Justice is the Judicial Branch.

Who is the leaders in theocracy?

A theocracy is a goverenment headed by religious authorities.

What branch of government is headed by congress?

What branch is headed by the Supreme Court

What is a form of government headed by a king queen or an emperor?

A monarchy is a form of government headed by a king, queen, or an emperor.

What is the difference between parliament and presidential democracy?

The main difference between parliament and presidential democracy lies in the separation of powers. In a parliamentary democracy, the executive branch is headed by a prime minister or chancellor who is elected by the parliament. The executive and legislative branches are closely interconnected, with the parliament holding considerable power. In a presidential democracy, there is a clear separation of powers between the executive (headed by a president) and legislative branches. The president is directly elected by the people and acts as the head of state and government, with significant powers independent of the legislature.