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Q: What is necessary for blood formation to begin in an unfertilized egg?
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Vitamin B-12 is necessary for the proper formation of red blood cells and transport of oxygen through the body. It is also necessary for neurological health as it forms a necessary component of nerve cell axonal sheathes (myelin).

How long does it take for the healing process to begin after cutting your body?

immediately. there is formation of blood clot and healing starts.

Which organ of the female reproductive system sheds an unfertilized egg every month?

The uterus has a lining of blood in it. When the unfertilized egg passes through the uterus it sheds this lining which causes the blood to come out.

Which mineral is required for formation of blood?

Iron is necessary for the blood to function. It can form without iron but to carry oxygen, the hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells require iron.

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Does hemostasis means blood formation?

Hemostasis means control of blood flow. Hematopoeisis means blood formation.

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what is the difference between blood clot formation and the process of blood agglutination

What is blood cell formation called?

Hematopoiesis is the general term meaning blood cell formation. Erythropoiesis is specifically the formation of red blood cells. Lymphopoiesis is specifically the formation of Lymphoid cells (types of white blood cells). Myelopoiesis is specifically the formation of myelocytes (immature forms of white blood cells).

When you have a period does it get rid of bad blood?

when having a period, the unfertilized egg is released out of the body and the blood lining is released. this is not bad blood. it is full of nutrition in order for the egg to survive.

What is the medical term formation of blood clot?

Coagulation and thrombosis both refer to the formation of blood clots.

What is hermatopoietic?

the formation of blood.

Describe in detail the site of blood formation in foetus and adults?

describe in detail the site of blood formation in foetus and adults