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Q: What is needed for normal blood clotting in humans?
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It Plays A Role In The Colon My Removing The Bacteria In The Blood Clotting.

Is an important vitamin that is needed for the proper clotting of blood?

Vitamin K is needed for proper clotting of the blood

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What does hypercoagulation do?

The difference between normal clotting and the clotting present in hypercoagulation is that these clots develop in circulating blood

Vampire bats sliva dose what to humans?

It stops blood from clotting.

What should blood platelets read normally?

activated when clotting or blood repair is needed

How is nutrition related to blood clotting formation?

Calcium, vit D and vit K are important in the blood clotting cascade. Calcium and Vit K are cofactors and are directly needed to convert certain proteins into functioning clotting factors. Vit D is needed for Calcium absorption.

What is hemopilia?

it is a genetic disorder in which blood has a lower than normal clotting factor

Does saliva consist of blood clotting factors?

I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty specifics of the explanation, but I can say that yes, saliva does contain some of the blood clotting factors found in normal blood plasma.

A male who has normal blood clotting would be shown as?

C,C and C,c

Is blood clotting normal during menustration?

Yes it is. You are passing the old lining of the uterus.