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I am presuming that the question meant burning of Natural Gas. However, even if you heat Natural Gas it will burn at some point since it is combustible and catches a fire quickly.

Natural gas is mainly carbon, along with some amounts of a few other elements like Hydrogen, Sulphur, etc. When you burn carbon, you get mainly carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

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Q: What is obtained on heating natural gas?
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Oil central heating tends to be more expensive when compared to gas central heating as the price for heating oil tends to be higher when compared to natural gas. The price of heating oil also tends to be more volatile than natural gas.

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Methane. It has the chemical formula CH4 which is why it is called this. Common heating gas is natural gas. The main ingredient of natural gas is methane.

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by Amber the retard

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What is natural gas used for today?

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Why is heating a home with natural gas usually the cheapest option compared to heating with electricity?

There are many reason why natural gas is usually a cheaper option for heating when compared to heating with electricity. The biggest reason is heating with therms is cheaper than kilowatts.