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Chemical to radiant energy

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Q: What is one example of an energy change that occurs in your body?
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How sugar is that energy used in your body be specific about the conversion that occurs?

chemical energy is good to our body

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Name the energy transformation that occurs when your body produces heat?

It would be chemical energy, from food you would consume, to thermal energy that your body produces.

Which change occurs in the body capillaries?

The Blood becomes deoxygenated

When does heat energy occur?

heat energy occurs when a body or an object undergoes friction or motion. Answer by: MOSES ONUORAH.

An example of mechanical energy is?

Energy stored in a moving body, (Bullet)

What is an example of body?

body temperature is basically measuring the amount of heat energy in our body.

What does modification in plants mean?

it is a simple or slight change which occurs in a plant body

How does an enzyme change how a reaction occurs?

An enzyme speeds up your reaction in your body.

What are example of carbydrates?

it is like an energy source for the body

What can make your body change into to food into energy?

Food changes into energy when the carbs aare absorbed by the body. for this to happen the body has to digest the food.