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Many animal migrate, usually on a seasonal basis to take advantage of temperature, forage or prey. A land-based animal that migrates is the mountain goat, which comes down into the valleys and lowlands during winter but retreats to the higher elevations in the warmer summer months. A marine animal that migrates is any number of whale species, including the orca, which follow the breeding seasons of seals, fish schools and others back and forth along the oceanic currents and coasts. A flying animal that migrates would be many bird species, including Canadian geese that winter over in Mexico but fly back north to Canadian to breed and raise chicks in the spring and summer.

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Q: What is one land animal one ocean animal and one air animal that migrate?
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The flow of air from an ocean or lake to the land is called?

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At night, land cools much more rapitly than ocean water. Air over the land becomes cooler than air over the ocean. Cooler, denser air above the land moves over the water, as the water rises. Movement if the air toward the water from the land is called land breeze.

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Well, first a land breeze is th flow of air from land to a body of water. Land Breeze happans in the night. So, if a city at night is near the ocean. The cool air from the city moves beneath the warm air in the ocean that is rising.

What circumstances could cause a nighttime land breeze in a city near a ocean?

Well, first a land breeze is th flow of air from land to a body of water. Land Breeze happans in the night. So, if a city at night is near the ocean. The cool air from the city moves beneath the warm air in the ocean that is rising.

How does a animal gather oxygen on land?

Oxygen is everwhere. On earth, in the air, and on land. The animal does not need to gather oxygen.

What is the flow of air from the ocean or lake to the land?

sea breeze

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1. habitat2. diet3. species (mammal, reptile...)4. rare, endangered, threatened... (not in order5. ocean animal, land animal, air animal..6. membrane/no membrane; bones or no bones

What is the movement of cool air from the ocean to the land?

Of course it is land breeze


Yes, this can happen. During the day the land heats and the air above it rises drawing cooler air in from over the ocean. During the night, the land cools while the ocean is warm, so the sir above the ocean rises and draws in the air from over the land.

Why does land that is near the ocean change temperature less rapidly than land that is loated farther inland?

The wind from the ocean cools down the air.