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One-to-one relationships are use to separate data that could be located in the same table as the other data into multiple tables.

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Q: What is one to one relationship in ER diagram?
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Where can one find tools for an ER diagram?

There are many places one can find tools for an ER diagram. ER stands for Entity-Relationship. These tools can be found at sites such as Case Studio, Edraws Soft, and Smartdraw.

What is significance of ER diagram?

This will depend on what you mean by ER diagram. This could be an entity relationship diagram that shows how to maximize your business intelligence.

Er diagram for hospital management system?

An ER diagram is an entity-relationship diagram they show individuals and their links to each other. An ER diagram for a hospital management system would be a flow chart showing hospital staff, equipment, patients, records and more.

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ER diagrame shows the relationship among entities.

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How E R diagram attributes are represented?

ER diagram stands for Entity relation diagram. There are two main components in a ER diagram one is the entity like (students) and their attributes like (name , rollno) and the relationship between different entitites.

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What is one to many relationship in database er diagram?

A one-to-many relationship means that one row in one of the tables will relate directly to many rows in the other table.

What is the significance of the diagram?

This will depend on what you mean by ER diagram. This could be an entity relationship diagram that shows how to maximize your business intelligence.

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