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Q: What is one waste product that would be harmful to the amoeba if it could not get rid of it?
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How is toxic waste made?

Toxic waste is made from the bi-product of construction, manufacture and farming waste to name a few. Toxic waste is harmful to the environment and possibly to humans.

How toxic is toxic waste?

Toxic waste is made from the bi-product of construction, manufacture and farming waste to name a few. Toxic waste is harmful to the environment and possibly to humans.

What do amoeba's excrete?

undigested waste.

What part of an amoeba helps it capture food?

food vacuole is a small cavity in the cytoplasm that temporarily store food.

Do amoeba remove waste from the cell?


How ameoba take food?

amoeba is a phagocyte. it means that it is a cell which absorbs waste material, harmful microorganisms, or other cells by engulfing them. the process of engulfing food is called phagocytosis.

Is eating hamster faces OK?

NO. It contains body waste from the animal that could be harmful

Does nuclear energy create air pollution and carbon monoxide?

No. Its only waste product is the depleted core which is quite harmful.

What harmful chemical comes out as waste from dyeing factory?

Azobenzene, diethyldiazene, and azobisisobutyronile are some of the chemicals that could come out as waste from a dyeworks.

How does amoeba remove wastes?

The common amoeba Amoeba proteus has an organelle called the contractile vacuole in order to get rid of waste. Waste collects in the vacuole, and the vacuole is then emptied, releasing its contents out of the cell.

How does amoeba gets rid of its waste?

Amoeba and many other creatures of the sort release their waste through the contractile vacuole . Amoeba have little feet, called pseudopod. When they eats, They engulf the food. It is then digested in the food vacuole, and released through the contractile vacuole.

Do muscles defecate?

yes they remove waste from their bodies that is either no of any use to them or could be harmful.