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What is the meaning of the word dito according to the Urban dictionary?

The term 'ditto' has the same meaning in a traditional dictionary as it does in an urban dictionary. Basically, when one says ditto one is replying that they are repeating an individual.

Where can one find the meaning of the word handled?

One can find the meaning of the word handled in a dictionary. One can find a dictionary at a local library. There are also several dictionaries on the world wide web called the Internet.

Where can one find more information about contributory's meaning?

One can find more information about contributory's meaning by visiting online dictionary websites such as Dictionary Reference. One can also look up the word in a dictionary.

What is a 5 letter word beginning in c and ending in ego?

By dictionary meaning there isn't one. There is one word that is close which is 'Credo' Meaning (from dictionary) 'A statement of the beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions.'

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You can get the definition of the word Sophistry and all other words in the dictionary. If you do not own a dictionary then you can go to any online dictionary to find the meaning of this word.

Dictionary meaning of the word et?

An alien looking like the one to the left or it is french for and.

Is dire a slang word?

The only meaning for "dire" that I know of is the traditional dictionary one.

Where online can one find definitions of the word transliterate?

You can find the meaning of the word transliterate by visiting the following online dictionary sites by the following companies: Merriam-Webster, Dictionary Reference and the Oxford Dictionary.

What is the meaning of the word Mekonomen?

Mekonomen is an uncommon word, if it is one. To be specific, the definition of the word Mekonomen cannot be found in the English dictionary. It is possible that it has meaning in another language.

What is the dictionary meaning of the word 'simple'?

# Having or composed of only one thing, element, or part.

Where can one find the meaning of the word andro?

The meaning of the word andro can be found in the dictionary. It is a Greek prefix meaning male, man, or masculine. It can sometimes be used as a slang for anabolic steroids.

What is the meaning of the word Bubby according to the online urban dictionary?

According to the Urban Dictionary it is stated that Bubby is a word that would be associated with affection as it would normally be directed at a loved one. The word replaces the word baby.