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Q: What is over secretion of thyroxine?
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How the level of thyroxine in the blood affects the secretion of hormone TSH?

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What is the role of thyroxine in your body?

Thyroxine is a metabolism regulator. Its reactions and products influence carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and breakdown, and cardiovascular, renal, and brain function.

Hormone that stimulates the production of thyroxin?

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the secretion of the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Chronic release of excess thyroxine can cause a sustained increase in heart rate and a weakened heart?

Yes. With the excess secretion, also known as hypersecretion, of thyroxine (T4) causes an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, possible palpitations, and could lead to heart faliure.

What does thyroid hormone do to basal metabolic rate?

Tyroxine (T4) or tetraiodothyronine, is a thyroid hormone that synthesize and secreted by thyroid gland and capable of increase the basal metabolic rate in the body. Excessive secretion of thyroxine by thyroid gland will cause the hyperthyroidism which has symptoms include the abnormal basal metabolic rate above the normal level. On the other hand, the insufficient of the secretion of thyroid hormone or thyroxine will cause the hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism's symptoms include the basal metabolic rate that below the normal level.

Can you mix thyroxine and antihistamines?

can you take antihistamines with thyroxine

How does thyroxin effect the human body?

Thyroxine is the hormone which controls the bodies metabolism. Increased thyroxine levels in the body may come about due to a tumor on/in the pituitary gland. This happens because of the hormone which stimulates the thyroid becomes over active and can lead to excess thyroxine levels

Watery perspiration is an example of what secretion?

Watery perspiration is an example of a eccrine secretion. The eccrine glands are located all over the body. Perspiring is part of the thermal control of mammals.

Does thyroxine affect hair dyes?

No, there is not data supporting thyroxine to affect hair dyes. Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

You are on thyroxine and have an implanon you are over weight how come?

Overweight is caused by taking in more calories than you burn.

What gland produce the thyroxine?

Thyroxine is secreted by thyroid gland. It is located in the neck