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"Lucency" is a technical term for an area that lets x-rays through tissue and appears darker on the picture. "Peri-screw lucency" is a result of having had a peri-screw inserted into the bone, possibly due to an accident.

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Q: What is peri-screw lucency on x-ray image?
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What does lucency mean?

A lucency on an X-ray image represents an area absorbing less radioactive energy than the surrounding tissue. Lucent areas appear dark compared to the surrounding area.

What causes lucency?

Lucency on medical imaging, such as X-rays, is caused by the passage of X-rays through less dense tissues like air or fluid. This results in those areas appearing darker on the image. Lucency can be seen in conditions like pneumothorax (air in the chest cavity) or pulmonary nodules (small round growth in the lung).

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lucency[lū′sent-sē]Type:TermDefinitions1. In radiology, a region in an image caused by an absorber of lower x-ray attenuation than its surrounding tissues; in general, the opposite of opacity.Found the answer via Medilexicon.comHope that helps. Ask your GP or specialist for more info on your particular medical investigation .

What if you see black areas on a bone Xray?

areas which are less dense and have allowed more xrays to pass through. eg Black = air, softer tissues. White= bone/ calcification

What is the antonym for xray?

There is no antonym. An xray is a wavelength. There is no opposite.

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How is an image formed using xray?

they drill in to the bone, take some bone fragment and clone it to make a structure then a well known wildlife photographer will paint it and take a picture

What is xray penumbra?

Penumbra is lack of sharpness of the film. It is a fuzzy, unclear area that surrounds a radiographic image and is affected by focal spot size(smaller the better), film composition(larger the size of crystals less sharp the image), and movement during the exposure.

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Pelvic x-ray shows some lucency?

There is some thinning of the bone in the pelvis.