

What is petroleum energy?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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7y ago

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Petroleum energy is energy derived from petroleum products: gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, etc.

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Q: What is petroleum energy?
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Is nuclear energy petroleum energy?

No, it is completely different. Petroleum is a fossil fuel

Why solar energy has not overtaken petroleum as an alternative source of energy?

Petroleum is cheaper.

Why is energy from petroleum referred to as stored energy?

The energy from the petroleum is only accessable when the fuel is burnt, if the petroleum itself doesn't undergo burning the energy isn't released. So the energy is called 'stored' or 'potential' energy.

What is the definition of petroleum energy?

It's the kind of energy that is obtained from burning petroleum products.

How is petroleum used as a source of energy?

the petroleum is used as fuel. it is burned, letting out a burst of energy

What the source of petroleum?

Petroleum is called a fossil fuel because it was made from the remains of plants. The energy in petroleum came from the energy in the plants and animals.

Is Petroleum a RenewableEnergy or a Nonrenable Energy?

Petroleum is considered a non-renewable energy because it is a fossil fuel.

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The energy in petroleum and coal is stored as what energy?


What energy is obtained from petroleum a stored energy?

kinetic energy and heat

The energy in petroleum and coal is stored as what kind of energy?

potential energy

Where did the energy come from to create oil?

If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.