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Q: What is plastic made of from phones?
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What materials are mobile phones made of?

they are made of metals and plastic

Is recycling phones helping global warming?

yeh..because some phones are even made up of plastic

How are fossil fuels made more useful?

phones,plastic, and your hard drive

What are new phones made from?

New phones are made from a variety of different materials that includes the wiring to make it run, the plastic for the body of the phone and the glass for the screen.

What are phones case made out of?

Mobile phone cases are made of rubber or plastic even fiber glass

Do phones use oil?

Phones require electricity to operate, and in many areas electricity is produced by burning oil.Also the plastic used to make phones is made from oil.

What were the olden days phones made of and what are the new phones made off now?

Early telephone casings were cast or moulded using metals (copper,alloy,brass) or bakelite type plastic

Where are phones made from?

Cell phones are like miniature walkie-talkies. Only they can transmit and receive at the same time. They don't have much power, so the cable companies have cell phone towers a few miles apart to pick up the signal on the cell phone. When the phone starts getting too far away from the cell tower, the phone starts receiving the next strongest signal from another tower.

Are cell phones a fossil fuel source?

No, not a source. Cell phones are a product of fossil fuels, that is, they are made from plastic (as well as many other things, like metals).

What plastics are used in mobile phones?

Polycarbonate is naturally transparent, with the ability to transmit light nearly that of glass. It has high strength, toughness, heat resistance, and excellent dimensional and colour stability. Flame retardants can be added to polycarbonate without significant loss of properties. It is used for the casing to be able to hold the phone together.

What were phones made to do?

Phones were made to communicate people easier.

Where is orange phones made from?

Orange Phones are made in UK.